Sibling Rank
SIBLING RANK [1d100][edit | edit source]
Sibling Rank |
Eldest |
2nd Child |
3rd Child |
4th Child |
5th Child |
6th Child |
Roll 1d100 on sub-table (Sindarin and Khuzdul subtract 20) to determine Sibling Rank, and then roll 1d6-1 plus Sibling Rank to determine Family Size. Both stats are entered on the Profile in the format Sibling Rank of Family Size. Hence, for the second of five children, the entry should read 2 of 5. The sex and age of each sibling may be determined by the GM and whether each still lives (60% chance). A family tree can be prepared later.
The Family Plot[edit | edit source]
If several players are generating characters at the same time and plan to form an adventuring team, it may be desirable their characters be siblings or childhood friends. This explains how they know each other, and gives them a common bond.
Characters related by blood will have similar social and economic backgrounds, and attributes such as Birthplace and Social Class need be generated only once and then applied to all. This also allows the GM to spend more time creating one memorable family history, ripe with family politics and other adventure possibilities, rather than several sketchy lineages.
Even if a PC group is not closely related, family development is worth every minute of a GM’s time. A close relative may have considerable leverage on PCs. Having a PC’s mother or sister kidnapped by demon-worshipping brigands will usually spur all but the most lethargic of characters to some sort of action. If the GM wants this kind of handy plot device, a detailed family background is helpful.