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PARENT [1d100][edit | edit source]

The character’s biological Father and Mother. Roll 1d100 on the table below and generate additional data as necessary.

01–50 OFFSPRING: Character raised by natural parents. Re-roll on sub-table:
01–60 Both parents alive and living together.
61–70 Father Absent: desertion, divorce, etc.
71–75 Mother Absent: desertion, divorce, etc.
76–80 Father dead.
81–85 Father dead. Mother remarried.
86–90 Mother dead.
91–00 Mother dead. Father remarried.

If a surviving spouse has remarried, some interesting step-parent and half-sibling data can be generated at GM discretion.

51-70 FOSTERED: Character lives with another family for social, economic, or political reasons. Guilded apprentices are usually fostered with their masters, as are squires training for knighthood. Poor families, especially those with only one parent, commonly foster one or more children with a relative or neighbor. Generate foster parent status as desired. Fostered children are usually aware of their parents’ identity: reroll on Offspring sub-table at +30.

71-75 ADOPTED: Character has been adopted by another family for social, political, or economic reasons. Adoption is generally only done if both parents are dead, but there are exceptions if parental consent is given or if a character is over 21 years of age. Consider present birth generation to apply to adoptive father. The GM may secretly generate character’s actual birth status. Adopted children are often unaware of the fact.

76-90 BASTARD: Character’s parents never married, most likely because the father was of a higher social class, or one (or both) parents were already married or betrothed. Character is acknowledged by father if roll was 76–80. Character probably lives with mother, but may reside with father if acknowledged.

91-00 ORPHAN: Father and mother are deceased. Character is:
01–80 Fostered with another family/clan.
81–95 Adopted by another family/clan.
96-00 Living alone. Brothers and sisters (if any) may have been fostered/adopted by another family.

Bastidy[edit | edit source]

It is the habit of the upper classes to spread their oats throughout the lower classes; if unacknowledged, your PC’s real father may never be known to you, but then again, he may be someone of wealth and power who could be helpful...

Acknowledging a bastard is a significant act; the admission can have important emotional ramifications for both parents, especially to their respective spouses. In families where there is property and/or titles to inherit, acknowledged bastards usually follow the youngest legitimate heir, but dynamic characters may do better, especially if they happen to be a father’s eldest son and the legitimate heirs are weak. Many a dynastic bonfire has been ignited with such a spark.

Orphans[edit | edit source]

In a violent and disease-rampant world, the death of one or both parents occurs quite often. Part of your adventuring may involve finding out the true identity of your parents.