Module:Language/name/data/ISO 639 synonym extraction tool
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Language/name/data/ISO 639 synonym extraction tool/doc
require('Module:No globals');
--[=[------------------------< I S O _ S Y N O N Y M _ E X T R A C T >-----------------------------------------
{{#invoke:Language/name/data/ISO 639 synonym extraction tool|ISO_synonym_extract|file-date=2013-01-11}}
reads a local copy of data from the table at, extracts
the ISO 639-2 (or 639-2T) codes that have equivalent ISO 639-1 codes and creates a table to translate 639-2 to 639-1.
ISO-639-3 uses 639-2T codes
useful lines in the source table have the form:
<English name>\t<all English names>\t<all French names>\t<639-2 code>\t<639-1 code>\n
<English name> is primary English name (not used here); one of <all English names> so duplicates code listing
<all English names> is all of the English names (not used here)
<all French names> is all of the French names (not used here)
<639-2 code> is the three-character ISO 639-2 or 639-2B/639-2T language code; when 639-2T present, use that code
<639-1 code> is the two-character ISO 639-1 language code synonym of the -2 code (if one is defined)
like this (with synonym):
Abkhazian Abkhazian abkhaze abk ab
or (without synonym):
Achinese Achinese aceh ace
for the file date use the date listed at the bottom of the source page in yyyymmdd numeric format without hyphens or spaces
local function ISO_synonym_extract (frame)
local page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); -- get a page object for this page
local content = page:getContent(); -- get unparsed content
local content_table = {}; -- table of text lines from source
local split_table = {}; -- table of lines split at the tabs
local skip_table = {}; -- table of 636-2/639-2T codes that have been handled; used to prevent duplication
local out_table = {}; -- output table
local file_date = 'File-Date: ' .. frame.args["file-date"]; -- set the file date line from |file-date= (from the bottom of the source page)
content_table = mw.text.split (content, '[\r\n]'); -- make a table of text lines
for _, line in ipairs (content_table) do -- for each line
split_table = mw.text.split (line, '\t'); -- split at the table
if split_table[5] and (' ' ~= split_table[5]) then -- if there is a 639-1 code
local code = split_table[4]:match ('%a+/(%a+)') or split_table[4]; -- when 639-2B/639-2T use 639-2T else use 639-2
if not skip_table[code] then -- skip if code already in the skip table because more than one language name
skip_table[code] = true; -- remember that we've handled this 636-2/639-2T code
table.insert (out_table, "[\"" .. code .. "\"] = \"" .. split_table[5] .. "\""); -- make new table entry
table.sort (out_table);
return "<br /><pre>-- " .. file_date .. "<br />return {<br />	" .. table.concat (out_table, ',<br />	') .. "<br />	}<br />" .. "</pre>";
--[[--------------------------< I S O _ 2 _ N A M E _ E X T R A C T >------------------------------------------
{{#invoke:Language/name/data/ISO 639 synonym extraction tool|ISO_2_name_extract|file-date=2013-01-11}}
reads a local copy of data from the table at, extracts
the ISO 639-2 and 639-2T codes and their associated language names
useful lines in the source table have the form:
<English name>\t<all English names>\t<all French names>\t<639-2 code>\t<639-1 code>\n
<English name> is primary English name (not used here); one of <all English names> so duplicates code listing
<all English names> is all of the English names (used here)
<all French names> is all of the French names (not used here)
<639-2 code> is the three-character ISO 639-2 or 639-2B/639-2T language code; both are used
<639-1 code> is the two-character ISO 639-1 language code synonym of the -2 code (not used here)
for the file date use the date listed at the bottom of the source page in yyyymmdd numeric format without hyphens or spaces
local function ISO_2_name_extract (frame)
local page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); -- get a page object for this page
local content = page:getContent(); -- get unparsed content
local content_table = {}; -- table of text lines from source
local split_table = {}; -- table of lines split at the tabs
local skip_table = {['qaa-qtz']=true}; -- table of 636-2/639-2T codes that have been handled; used to prevent duplication; qaa-qtz reserved for local use so not supported here
local name_table = {}; -- holds language names for processing
local code_table = {}; -- because some languages have both -2B and -2T codes
local out_table = {}; -- output table
local file_date = 'File-Date: ' .. frame.args["file-date"]; -- set the file date line from |file-date= (from the bottom of the source page)
content_table = mw.text.split (content, '[\r\n]'); -- make a table of text lines
for _, line in ipairs (content_table) do -- for each line
split_table = mw.text.split (line, '\t'); -- split at the tab
if split_table[4] then -- if a code then continue processing; skip this line else
name_table = mw.text.split (split_table[2], ' *; *'); -- split 'all English names' at the '; ' into a table of individual names
for i, v in ipairs (name_table) do
name_table [i] = mw.ustring.gsub (v, '(.+)', '"%1"'); -- add double quotes around each name
code_table = mw.text.split (split_table[4], ' */ *'); -- split 'ISO 639-2' code at the '/' into a table of -2B and -2T individual codes
for _, code in ipairs (code_table) do -- now built a table entry for the code(s) and its(their) associated language(s)
if not skip_table[code] then -- source data has duplicates so check to see if we have already done this code
table.insert (out_table,
table.concat ({
'["', -- open code index
code, -- the code
'"] = {', -- close code index; open name table
table.concat(name_table, ', '), -- add the names
'}' -- close the names table
skip_table[code] = true; -- remember that we've done this code
table.sort (out_table);
return "<br /><pre>-- " .. file_date .. "<br />return {<br />	" .. table.concat (out_table, ',<br />	') .. "<br />	}<br />" .. "</pre>";
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------
return {
ISO_synonym_extract = ISO_synonym_extract,
ISO_2_name_extract = ISO_2_name_extract