Westworld, Season 2, Episode 2, Scene 16

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Wyatt's Gang and Major Craddock's men arrive at Fort Forlorn Hope.

Dialog[edit | edit source]



TEDDY: Can't imagine the Colonel is gonna be very happy to see his men riding with us at the head of 'em.

DOLORES: So we'll change his mind. If he wants to get to Glory, he's going to have to listen to me.

TEDDY: "Glory." "The Valley Beyond." Feels like everyone got a different name for it, but they're all bound for the same destination.

DOLORES: Doesn't matter what you call it, I know what we're going to find there. An old friend was... foolish enough to show me... long ago. And it's not a place... it's a weapon. And I'm going to use it to destroy them.


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