Tuzyn Reckoning
Tuzyn Reckoning (abbreviated TR) is the calendar now used throughout Hârn takes the foundation of the Kingdom of Melderyn as its Year 1. Tuzyn Reckoning was devised in 130 by Tuzyn of Melderyn, a court astronomer in the reign of Erebir III, but was backdated to the founding of the kingdom. Throughout the last six centuries, this calendar has gradually been adopted by all Hârnic states, replacing a multitude of calendars, most too inaccurate to be useful.
The Sindarin and the Khuzdul, however, still retain their own calendars. Most uncivilized tribes use some form of sun/moon reckoning. Dates given in Tuzyn Reckoning may be preceded or followed by the symbol “TR.” Historians have come to use “BT” (Before Tuzyn) to identify years before the foundation of Melderyn.
The Tuzyn calendar has 12 lunar months, each of 30 days, for a total of 360 days in one Hârnic year.
Months of the Tuzyn Calendar Spring Summer Autumn Winter 1. Nuzyael 4. Nolus 7. Azura 10. Ilvin 2. Peonu 5. Larane 8. Halane 11. Navek 3. Kelen 6. Agrazhar 9. Savor 12. Morgat
A new moon occurs on the thirtieth day of each month (Yaelmor) and a full moon on the fifteenth (Yaelah). Both are holidays in most parts of Hârn. Other holidays are scattered throughout the year based on planting, harvesting, and religious festivals; these vary by locale. The first day of the year is deemed the beginning of spring. It was originally set to coincide with the vernal equinox but an error of nearly one day has since developed.
- Hârndex 3rd edition.