Template talk:Map item

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Parameters[edit source]

Full parameters[edit source]

{{map item | X
|        name = 
|       owner = 
|   household = 
|        Size = 
|     Quality = 
|      Prices = 
| description = 

Examples[edit source]

{{map item | 1
|       owner = 
|   household = 9
|        Size = 
|     Quality = 
|      Prices =
| description = Telmen Meran provides for the orphaned children of his younger sister. He hopes that both boys, aged 13 and 6, will become Warriors, or priests, of Mamaka. Meran came to Emesa with the order when he was 10 and knows no other life, or any other way to bring up chil-dren. He treats the elder boy, Eben, as he was treated and encourages his own squire, Dendin, to help the boy understand the Mamekan rule. Dendin abuses the re-sponsibility by getting the naïve Eben into trouble and di-verting beatings he deserves to the younger boy. The manor household is even less well equipped to cope with the younger boy, Graner.
Household: 9

Telmen Meran provides for the orphaned children of his younger sister. He hopes that both boys, aged 13 and 6, will become Warriors, or priests, of Mamaka. Meran came to Emesa with the order when he was 10 and knows no other life, or any other way to bring up chil-dren. He treats the elder boy, Eben, as he was treated and encourages his own squire, Dendin, to help the boy understand the Mamekan rule. Dendin abuses the re-sponsibility by getting the naïve Eben into trouble and di-verting beatings he deserves to the younger boy. The manor household is even less well equipped to cope with the younger boy, Graner.

{{map item | 2
|        name = THE SMILING NOLAH
|       owner = [[Brigyne of Halwar]]
|   household =
|        Size = 6
|     Quality = 3
|      Prices = average
| description = Brigyne came to Ochrynn in 706. A former courtesan at the famed Crimson Palace, Brigyne bought out her contract with the house in 704, and using her savings, and the infatuation of the Shiran Innkeepers' guild syndic, was granted a guild franchise . During her time in the Crimson Palace, Brigyne had come under the influence of Tabryn of Bargael, the High Priest of the order of Seafarer Ibenis, and became an enthusiastic convert to Il viranism in 701. She undertook a pilgrimage to Araka- Kalai in 706, becoming a "pilgrim of the fifth stone" (see 15). She opened her inn in 707. Brygyn is a strikingly attractive woman of forty eight. She has been known to practice her old occupation if she finds a guest interesting or attractive. This is always a matter of her choosing; no amount of money will convince her otherwise.
THE SMILING NOLAH (Brigyne of Halwar)
Size: 6Quality: ★★★Prices: average

Brigyne came to Ochrynn in 706. A former courtesan at the famed Crimson Palace, Brigyne bought out her contract with the house in 704, and using her savings, and the infatuation of the Shiran Innkeepers' guild syndic, was granted a guild franchise . During her time in the Crimson Palace, Brigyne had come under the influence of Tabryn of Bargael, the High Priest of the order of Seafarer Ibenis, and became an enthusiastic convert to Il viranism in 701. She undertook a pilgrimage to Araka- Kalai in 706, becoming a "pilgrim of the fifth stone" (see 15). She opened her inn in 707. Brygyn is a strikingly attractive woman of forty eight. She has been known to practice her old occupation if she finds a guest interesting or attractive. This is always a matter of her choosing; no amount of money will convince her otherwise.