Template:Template link with parameters

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This is the template link with parameters (or {{tlp}}) template.

It can be used in documentation and talk page discussions to show how a template name would be used in code.

Here is how this template looks. Code to the left and actual rendering to the right:

{{tlp|name|parameters}} = {{name|parameters}}

Features of {{tlp}}:

  • It shows a template name with a link to that template.
  • It shows up to eight parameters.
  • It also shows empty parameters. (See examples below.)
  • It prevents line wraps in its output.
  • It uses normal text style. ({{tlx}}, for instance, uses TAG text style.)

This template belongs to a whole family of similar templates. See the see also section below for some of them. For instance, when writing documentation you might want to avoid a lot of unnecessary links, since it decreases readability – i.e. on the first occurrence of a template name, use {{tl}}, {{tlp}} or {{Tlx}} and thereafter use {{tlf}}, {{tlc}} or {{tld}}.

Examples[edit source]

Code Output Comments
{{tlp}} {{[[Template:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]}} Shows its own syntax.
{{tlp|name}} {{name}}
{{tlp|name|first}} {{name|first}}
{{tlp|name|first|last}} {{name|first|last}}
{{tlp|name|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j}} {{name|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h}} Shows up to eight parameters. The rest are dropped.
{{tlp|name||three|four}} {{name||three|four}} Also shows empty parameters.
{{tlp|name||three|}} {{name||three|}} Even shows empty parameters that come at the end.
{{tlp|name|first=a|last=b}} {{name}} Equal signs are a problem, but there are a couple ways to fix:
{{tlp|name|2=first=a|3=last=b}} {{name|first=a|last=b}} Use numbered parameters to fix it. Here, parameter "|2=" is assigned the string "first=a". Start with #2, since "name" is already in the "|1=" slot. Note that all subsequent parameters after a numbered parameter must also be numbered.
{{tlp|name|first{{=}}a|last{{=}}b}} {{name|first=a|last=b}} Or, simply use, "{{=}}", the equal-sign template, to "escape" the symbol.
{{tlp|name|2=1=a|3=2=b}} {{name|1=a|2=b}} Both techniques also work with numbered positional parameters (e.g.: "|1=", "|2=").
{{tlp|name|2=1=a|last{{=}}b}} {{name|last=b}} The named parameter ("|last=") clobbered the prior one ("|2="). Again, all subsequent parameters after a numbered parameter must also be numbered...
{{tlp|name|2=1=a|3=last=b}} {{name|1=a|last=b}} ... but that's easy to fix, by adding the position number ("|3=") to the last parameter.

See also[edit source]

Link templates[edit source]

Page Type Normal Link Longer Link Usage Link
Template Template:ltb Template:lt General:{{tlg}}
Normal: {{tl}}
File Template:lfb Template:lf Template:fl
User Template:lub Template:lu Template:ul
Category Template:lcb Template:lc Template:cl
Module Template:lmb Template:lm Template:ml
Wikipedia Template:lwb Template:lw
Portal Template:lpb Template:lp
Book Template:lb2 Template:lb
Article Template:lab Template:la

General-purpose formatting[edit source]

Other formatting templates[edit source]

Code example Effect Notes
{{tl2|Hatnote|lang=fr}} {{hatnote}} Supports linking to sister projects (e.g., fr:Hatnote)
{{tlu|User:Ahunt/SSHFS}} {{User:Ahunt/SSHFS}} Supports linking to any namespace
{{demo|<nowiki>{{Hatnote|lang=fr|Some text}}</nowiki>}}
{{hatnote|lang=fr|Some text}}

Shows code and example
{{xpd|Hatnote|Some hatnote text}} "{{hatnote|Some hatnote text}}" gives "" [1] Shows code, example and a link to expand the template code
Formats wikilink, with optional piped link text and blended suffix
Counterparts to {{tl}} and {{tlx}} for linking to Lua modules
{{para|title|<var>book title</var>}} |title=book title Formats template parameters for display, with or without values
{{sclx|LASTING}} [[WP:LASTING]] Takes a shortcut suffix in project namespace and displays it with brackets and the WP: alias in a [[WP:CODE|TAG]] tag.
Formats [X]HTML tags; can add content, choose opening, closing, or self-closing

With utility links[edit source]

Code example Effect
{{lts|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (Edit Discussion links Page history)
{{t links|Hatnote}} Hatnote (edit talk history links # /subpages /doc /doc edit /sbox /sbox diff /test) · Module:hatnote
{{tfd links|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (edit · talk · history · links · logs · subpages · delete)
{{tiw|Hatnote}} Template:hatnote (backlinks edit)
{{tltt|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}}
{{tetl|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}}
links talk view
{{tsetl|Hatnote}} {{subst:Hatnote}}
 links talk view
{{ti|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (talk · links · edit)
{{tic|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (talk links edit)
{{tiw|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (backlinks edit)
{{tlt|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}} (talk)
{{ttl|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}} (t/l)
{{twlh|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (links, talk)

See also[edit source]

Page Type Normal Link Longer Link Usage Link
Template Template:ltb Template:lt General:{{tlg}}
Normal: {{tl}}
File Template:lfb Template:lf Template:fl
User Template:lub Template:lu Template:ul
Category Template:lcb Template:lc Template:cl
Module Template:lmb Template:lm Template:ml
Wikipedia Template:lwb Template:lw
Portal Template:lpb Template:lp
Book Template:lb2 Template:lb
Article Template:lab Template:la