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Bold ranks show taxa that will be shown in taxoboxes
because rank is principal or always_display=yes.

Ancestral taxa
Domain: Eukaryota  [Taxonomy; edit]
(unranked): Unikonta  [Taxonomy; edit]
(unranked): Obazoa  [Taxonomy; edit]
(unranked): Opisthokonta  [Taxonomy; edit]
(unranked): Holozoa  [Taxonomy; edit]
(unranked): Filozoa  [Taxonomy; edit]
Kingdom: Animalia  [Taxonomy; edit]
Subkingdom: Eumetazoa  [Taxonomy; edit]
Clade: ParaHoxozoa  [Taxonomy; edit]
Clade: Bilateria  [Taxonomy; edit]
Clade: Nephrozoa  [Taxonomy; edit]
Superphylum: Deuterostomia  [Taxonomy; edit]
Phylum: Chordata  [Taxonomy; edit]
..... .....
Class: Aves /skip  [Taxonomy; edit]

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Parent: Chordata [Taxonomy; edit]
Rank: classis (displays as Class)
Link: Bird|Aves(links to Bird)
Extinct: no
Always displayed: yes (major rank)
Taxonomic references:
Parent's taxonomic references:
Same as taxon: Aves [Taxonomy; edit]
For the suffix "/skip", see Skip taxonomy templates.
For the skipped taxa, see Template:Taxonomy/Aves.