Template:Standard atomic weight of the elements

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Standard atomic weight of the elements (IUPAC 2009–2017[ref 1])
Z Symbol Name Ar, standard abridged conventional → formal, short year changed
1 H hydrogen [1.007841.00811] [1.00781.0082] 1.008 1.008 2009
2 He helium 4.002602(2) 4.0026 4.0026
3 Li lithium [6.9386.997] [6.9386.997] 6.94 6.94 2009
4 Be beryllium 9.0121831(5) 9.0122 9.0122
5 B boron [10.80610.821] [10.80610.821] 10.81 10.81 2009
6 C carbon [12.009612.0116] [12.00912.012] 12.011 12.011 2009
7 N nitrogen [14.0064314.00728] [14.00614.008] 14.007 14.007 2009
8 O oxygen [15.9990315.99977] [15.99916.000] 15.999 15.999 2009
9 F fluorine 18.998403163(6) 18.998 18.998
10 Ne neon 20.1797(6) 20.180 20.180
11 Na sodium 22.98976928(2) 22.990 22.990
12 Mg magnesium [24.30424.307] [24.30424.307] 24.305 24.305 2011
13 Al aluminium 26.9815384(3) 26.982 26.982 2017
14 Si silicon [28.08428.086] [28.08428.086] 28.085 28.085 2009
15 P phosphorus 30.973761998(5) 30.974 30.974
16 S sulfur [32.05932.076] [32.05932.076] 32.06 32.06 2009
17 Cl chlorine [35.44635.457] [35.44635.457] 35.45 35.45 2009
18 Ar argon [39.79239.963] [39.79239.963] 39.95[1] 39.95 2017
19 K potassium 39.0983(1) 39.098 39.098
20 Ca calcium 40.078(4) 40.078(4) 40.078(4)
21 Sc scandium 44.955908(5) 44.956 44.956
22 Ti titanium 47.867(1) 47.867 47.867
23 V vanadium 50.9415(1) 50.942 50.942
24 Cr chromium 51.9961(6) 51.996 51.996
25 Mn manganese 54.938043(2) 54.938 54.938 2017
26 Fe iron 55.845(2) 55.845(2) 55.845(2)
27 Co cobalt 58.933194(3) 58.933 58.933 2017
28 Ni nickel 58.6934(4) 58.693 58.693
29 Cu copper 63.546(3) 63.546(3) 63.546(3)
30 Zn zinc 65.38(2) 65.38(2) 65.38(2)
31 Ga gallium 69.723(1) 69.723 69.723
32 Ge germanium 72.630(8) 72.630(8) 72.630(8) 2009
33 As arsenic 74.921595(6) 74.922 74.922
34 Se selenium 78.971(8) 78.971(8) 78.971(8)
35 Br bromine [79.90179.907] [79.90179.907] 79.904 79.904 2011
36 Kr krypton 83.798(2) 83.798(2) 83.798(2)
37 Rb rubidium 85.4678(3) 85.468 85.468
38 Sr strontium 87.62(1) 87.62 87.62
39 Y yttrium 88.90584(1) 88.906 88.906 2017
40 Zr zirconium 91.224(2) 91.224(2) 91.224(2)
41 Nb niobium 92.90637(1) 92.906 92.906 2017
42 Mo molybdenum 95.95(1) 95.95 95.95
43 Tc technetium - -
44 Ru ruthenium 101.07(2) 101.07(2) 101.07(2)
45 Rh rhodium 102.90549(2) 102.91 102.91 2017
46 Pd palladium 106.42(1) 106.42 106.42
47 Ag silver 107.8682(2) 107.87 107.87
48 Cd cadmium 112.414(4) 112.41 112.41
49 In indium 114.818(1) 114.82 114.82
50 Sn tin 118.710(7) 118.71 118.71
51 Sb antimony 121.760(1) 121.76 121.76
52 Te tellurium 127.60(3) 127.60(3) 127.60(3)
53 I iodine 126.90447(3) 126.90 126.90
54 Xe xenon 131.293(6) 131.29 131.29
55 Cs caesium 132.90545196(6) 132.91 132.91
56 Ba barium 137.327(7) 137.33 137.33
57 La lanthanum 138.90547(7) 138.91 138.91
58 Ce cerium 140.116(1) 140.12 140.12
59 Pr praseodymium 140.90766(1) 140.91 140.91 2017
60 Nd neodymium 144.242(3) 144.24 144.24
61 Pm promethium - -
62 Sm samarium 150.36(2) 150.36(2) 150.36(2)
63 Eu europium 151.964(1) 151.96 151.96
64 Gd gadolinium 157.25(3) 157.25(3) 157.25(3)
65 Tb terbium 158.925354(8) 158.93 158.93 2017
66 Dy dysprosium 162.500(1) 162.50 162.50
67 Ho holmium 164.930328(7) 164.93 164.93 2017
68 Er erbium 167.259(3) 167.26 167.26
69 Tm thulium 168.934218(6) 168.93 168.93 2017
70 Yb ytterbium 173.045(10) 173.05 173.05 2015
71 Lu lutetium 174.9668(1) 174.97 174.97
72 Hf hafnium 178.49(2) 178.49(2) 178.49(2)
73 Ta tantalum 180.94788(2) 180.95 180.95
74 W tungsten 183.84(1) 183.84 183.84
75 Re rhenium 186.207(1) 186.21 186.21
76 Os osmium 190.23(3) 190.23(3) 190.23(3)
77 Ir iridium 192.217(2) 192.22 192.22 2017
78 Pt platinum 195.084(9) 195.08 195.08
79 Au gold 196.966570(4) 196.97 196.97 2017
80 Hg mercury 200.592(3) 200.59 200.59
81 Tl thallium [204.382204.385] [204.38204.39] 204.38 204.38 2009
82 Pb lead 207.2(1) 207.2 207.2
83 Bi bismuth 208.98040(1) 208.98 208.98
84 Po polonium - -
85 At astatine - -
86 Rn radon - -
87 Fr francium - -
88 Ra radium - -
89 Ac actinium - -
90 Th thorium 232.0377(4) 232.04 232.04
91 Pa protactinium 231.03588(1) 231.04 231.04 2017
92 U uranium 238.02891(3) 238.03 238.03
93 Np neptunium - -
94 Pu plutonium - -
95 Am americium - -
96 Cm curium - -
97 Bk berkelium - -
98 Cf californium - -
99 Es einsteinium - -
100 Fm fermium - -
101 Md mendelevium - -
102 No nobelium - -
103 Lr lawrencium - -
104 Rf rutherfordium - -
105 Db dubnium - -
106 Sg seaborgium - -
107 Bh bohrium - -
108 Hs hassium - -
109 Mt meitnerium - -
110 Ds darmstadtium - -
111 Rg roentgenium - -
112 Cn copernicium - -
113 Nh nihonium - -
114 Fl flerovium - -
115 Mc moscovium - -
116 Lv livermorium - -
117 Ts tennessine - -
118 Og oganesson - -
  1.   (This list: )CIAAW may publish changes to atomic weights (including its precision and derived values). Since 1947, any update this is done in uneven years nominally; the actual date of publication may be some time later.
    • 2009 {{CIAAW2009}} (introducing interval notation; Ge):
    "Atomic weights of the elements 2009 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure Appl. Chem. 83 (2): 359–396. 12 December 2010. doi:10.1351/PAC-REP-10-09-14. 
    "Atomic weights of the elements 2011 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure Appl. Chem. 85 (5): 1047–1078. 29 April 2013. doi:10.1351/PAC-REP-13-03-02. 
    Meija, Juris; et al. (2016). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3): 265–91. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305Freely accessible. 
    "Standard Atomic Weight of Ytterbium Revised". Chemistry International. 37 (5–6): 26. October 2015. doi:10.1515/ci-2015-0512. eISSN 0193-6484. ISSN 0193-6484. 
    "Standard atomic weights of 14 chemical elements revised". CIAAW. 2018-06-05. 


  1. "IUPAC Periodic Table of the Elements and Isotopes". King's Center for Visualization in Science. IUPAC, King's Center for Visualization in Science. Retrieved 8 October 2019. 
Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Usage[edit source]

Standard atomic weight, infobox element, isotopes of element.

Data source[edit source]

All values are as published by CIAAW.
The atomic weight (Ar) specifiers "standard atomic weight", "abridged atomic weight", "conventional atomic weight" are thus named and defined (numerical value as listed here) by IUPAC (CIAAW).[1][2]
|format=standard [default], abridged, conventional, formalshort
{{Infobox element/symbol-to-saw/standard}}
{{Infobox element/symbol-to-saw/abridged}}
{{Infobox element/symbol-to-saw/conventional}}
{{Infobox element/symbol-to-saw/formalshort}}

Number formatting[edit source]

  • Per source, abridged numbers without stated uncertainty have uncertainty (1). So Ar, abridged(Be) = 9.0122, reads 9.0122(1).
  • All numbers are formatted through {{val}}. This introduces the small space as 1000-grouping (per MOS:DIGITS).

CIAAW updated values[edit source]

  (This list: )CIAAW may publish changes to atomic weights (including its precision and derived values). Since 1947, any update this is done in uneven years nominally; the actual date of publication may be some time later.
  • 2009 {{CIAAW2009}} (introducing interval notation; Ge):
"Atomic weights of the elements 2009 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure Appl. Chem. 83 (2): 359–396. 12 December 2010. doi:10.1351/PAC-REP-10-09-14. 
"Atomic weights of the elements 2011 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure Appl. Chem. 85 (5): 1047–1078. 29 April 2013. doi:10.1351/PAC-REP-13-03-02. 
Meija, Juris; et al. (2016). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3): 265–91. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305Freely accessible. 
"Standard Atomic Weight of Ytterbium Revised". Chemistry International. 37 (5–6): 26. October 2015. doi:10.1515/ci-2015-0512. eISSN 0193-6484. ISSN 0193-6484. 
"Standard atomic weights of 14 chemical elements revised". CIAAW. 2018-06-05. 


  1. Meija, Juris; et al. (2016). "Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. 88 (3): 265–91. doi:10.1515/pac-2015-0305Freely accessible. 
  2. "Standard Atomic Weight of Ytterbium Revised". Chemistry International. October 2015. p. 26. doi:10.1515/ci-2015-0512. eISSN 0193-6484. ISSN 0193-6484. 

External links[edit source]


References[edit source]