Template:Series overview

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Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Usage[edit source]

The purpose of this template is to easily add a series overview table (as per WP:TVOVERVIEW) for television series' that require it, in either a simple format (i.e. just episodes and dates) or with extra information (e.g. networks, ratings, etc).

Syntax[edit source]

Main overview[edit source]

{{Series overview
| seasonT          = TEXT
| caption          = TEXT
| infoheader       = TEXT
| info{A-Z}        = TEXT

| color*           = COLOR
| link*            = TEXT
| linkT*           = TEXT
| aux{A-Z}*        = TEXT
| episodes*        = NUMBER
| start*           = DATE
| end*             = DATE
| network*         = TEXT
| info{A-Z}*       = TEXT

Specials[edit source]

Singular[edit source]
{{Series overview
| color*S          = COLOR
| link*S           = TEXT
| linkT*S          = TEXT
| aux{A-Z}*S       = TEXT
| episodes*S       = NUMBER
| start*S          = DATE
| end*S            = DATE
| network*S        = TEXT
| info{A-Z}*S      = TEXT
Multiple[edit source]
{{Series overview
| color*S{A-Z}     = COLOR
| link*S{A-Z}      = TEXT
| linkT*S{A-Z}     = TEXT
| aux{A-Z}*S{A-Z}  = TEXT
| episodes*S{A-Z}  = NUMBER
| start*S{A-Z}     = DATE
| end*S{A-Z}       = DATE
| network*S{A-Z}   = TEXT
| info{A-Z}*S{A-Z} = TEXT

Split season[edit source]

{{Series overview
| color*           = COLOR
| link*            = TEXT
| linkT*           = TEXT
| aux{A-Z}*        = TEXT
| episodes*        = NUMBER
| network*         = TEXT
| info{A-Z}*       = TEXT

| color*{A-Z}      = COLOR
| aux{A-Z}*{A-Z}   = TEXT
| episodes*{A-Z}   = NUMBER
| start*{A-Z}      = DATE
| end*{A-Z}        = DATE
| network*{A-Z}    = TEXT
| info{A-Z}*{A-Z}  = TEXT

* indicates any number that is a positive integer, starting from one for regular/split seasons, and zero for specials.

Examples[edit source]

Basic example[edit source]

{{Series overview
| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8}}
| end1       = {{End date|2013|6|15}}

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21}}

| color3     = #000000
| link3      = #Season 3
| episodes3  = 26
| start3     = {{Start date|2014|9|19}}
| end3       = {{End date|2015|6|26}}
SeasonEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast aired
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)
326September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)

Alternate link text with caption[edit source]

{{Series overview
| caption    = Series overview

| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| linkT1     = Chapter One
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8}}
| end1       = {{End date|2013|6|15}}

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| linkT2     = Chapter Two
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21}}

| color3     = #000000
| link3      = #Season 3
| linkT3     = Chapter Three
| episodes3  = 26
| start3     = {{Start date|2014|9|19}}
| end3       = {{End date|2015|6|26}}
Series overview
SeasonEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast aired
Chapter One26September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)
Chapter Two26September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)
Chapter Three26September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)

Series/Season & "dd mmm yyyy" dates[edit source]

The top-left cell displays either Series or Season, determined if the |df= parameter of the first {{Start date}} template is set. If it is included (|df=y), the cell will display Series, otherwise the cell will display Season. This can be overridden by setting either |seriesT= or |seasonT= to custom text.

{{Series overview
| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8|df=y}}
| end1       = {{End date|2013|6|15|df=y}}

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13|df=y}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21|df=y}}

| color3     = #000000
| link3      = #Season 3
| episodes3  = 26
| start3     = {{Start date|2014|9|19|df=y}}
| end3       = {{End date|2015|6|26|df=y}}
SeriesEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast aired
1268 September 2012 (2012-09-08)15 June 2013 (2013-06-15)
22613 September 2013 (2013-09-13)21 June 2014 (2014-06-21)
32619 September 2014 (2014-09-19)26 June 2015 (2015-06-26)

Split season[edit source]

{{Series overview
| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8}}
| end1       = {{End date|2013|6|15}}

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21}}

| link3      = #Season 3
| episodes3  = 38
| color3A    = #000000
| episodes3A = 13
| start3A    = {{Start date|2014|9|19}}
| end3A      = {{End date|2014|12|24}}
| color3B    = #00004A
| episodes3B = 12
| start3B    = {{Start date|2015|2|15}}
| end3B      = {{End date|2015|6|26}}
| color3C    = #00008A
| episodes3C = 13
| start3C    = {{Start date|2015|11|4}}
| end3C      = {{End date|2016|1|31}}
SeasonEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast aired
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)
33813September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)December 24, 2014 (2014-12-24)
12February 15, 2015 (2015-02-15)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)
13November 4, 2015 (2015-11-04)January 31, 2016 (2016-01-31)

Specials[edit source]

{{Series overview
| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8}}
| end1       = {{End date|2013|6|15}}

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21}}

| color3     = #000000
| link3      = #Season 3
| episodes3  = 26
| start3     = {{Start date|2014|9|19}}
| end3       = {{End date|2015|6|26}}

| color3S    = #00004A
| link3S     = #Special
| linkT3S    = S
| episodes3S = 1
| start3S    = {{Start date|2015|10|21}}
SeasonEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast aired
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)
326September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)
S1October 21, 2015 (2015-10-21)

And with the |episodes parameter removed and the link text changed.

SeasonEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast aired
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)
326September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)
SpecialOctober 21, 2015 (2015-10-21)

Special first, followed by season one[edit source]

{{Series overview
| color0S    = #00004A
| link0S     = #Special
| linkT0S    = S
| episodes0S = 1
| start0S    = {{Start date|2011|10|21}}

| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8}}
| end1       = {{End date|2013|6|15}}

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21}}

| color3     = #000000
| link3      = #Season 3
| episodes3  = 26
| start3     = {{Start date|2014|9|19}}
| end3       = {{End date|2015|6|26}}
SeasonEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast aired
S1October 21, 2011 (2011-10-21)
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)
326September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)

Extra information[edit source]

{{Series overview
| infoheader = [[Nielsen ratings]]
| infoA      = Rank
| infoB      = Rating
| infoC      = Average viewership<br />(in millions)

| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8}}
| end1       = {{End date|2013|6|15}}
| infoA1     = 55
| infoB1     = 11.8
| infoC1     = 3.2

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21}}
| infoA2     = 65
| infoB2     = 9.2

| color3     = #000000
| link3      = #Season 3
| episodes3  = 26
| start3     = {{Start date|2014|9|19}}
| end3       = {{End date|2015|6|26}}
| infoA3     = 63
SeasonEpisodesOriginally airedNielsen ratings
First airedLast airedRankRatingAverage viewership
(in millions)
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)5511.83.2
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)659.2TBA
326September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)63TBATBA

Single column with only the |infoheader parameter.

SeasonEpisodesOriginally airedAverage viewership
(in millions)
First airedLast aired
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)3.2
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)2.2
326September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)TBA

Multiple networks[edit source]

{{Series overview
| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8}}
| end1       = {{End date|2013|6|15}}
| network1   = [[The WB]]

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21}}

| color3     = #000000
| link3      = #Season 3
| episodes3  = 26
| start3     = {{Start date|2014|9|19}}
| end3       = {{End date|2015|6|26}}
| network3   = [[The CW]]
SeasonEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast airedNetwork
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)The WB
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)
326September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)The CW

Auxiliary columns[edit source]

{{Series overview
| auxA       = Title
| auxB       = Stories

| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| auxA1      = ''First''
| auxB1      = 13
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8}}
| end1       = {{End date|2013|6|15}}

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| auxA2      = ''Second''
| auxB2      = 14
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21}}

| color3     = #000000
| link3      = #Season 3
| auxA3      = ''Third''
| auxB3      = 15
| episodes3  = 26
| start3     = {{Start date|2014|9|19}}
| end3       = {{End date|2015|6|26}}
SeasonTitleStoriesEpisodesOriginally aired
First airedLast aired
1First1326September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)June 15, 2013 (2013-06-15)
2Second1426September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)
3Third1526September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)June 26, 2015 (2015-06-26)

Released[edit source]

{{Series overview
| released   = y

| color1     = #74E387
| link1      = #Season 1
| episodes1  = 26
| start1     = {{Start date|2012|9|8}}
| end1       = start

| color2     = #004000
| link2      = #Season 2
| episodes2  = 26
| start2     = {{Start date|2013|9|13}}
| end2       = {{End date|2014|6|21}}

| color3     = #000000
| link3      = #Season 3
| episodes3  = 26
| start3     = {{Start date|2014|9|19}}
| end3       = start
SeasonEpisodesOriginally released
First releasedLast released
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)June 21, 2014 (2014-06-21)
326September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)

End dates omitted with the |allreleased parameter set.

SeasonEpisodesOriginally released
126September 8, 2012 (2012-09-08)
226September 13, 2013 (2013-09-13)
326September 19, 2014 (2014-09-19)

Parameters[edit source]

Parameter Description Type Status
Caption caption An appropriate caption for the table, normally something like "Series overview". Required if the table is not the first or only item in the section. When a caption is not required on the page where the table is located, but is on a page where the table is transcluded, the caption may be wrapped in <includeonly> and </includeonly>. Text Optional
Header titles Season/Series seasonT Set to change custom text in the cell where Series/Season is typically displayed.
Format: Series
Alternate: seriesT
Text Optional
Info header infoheader The header of the extra information (e.g. Nielsen ratings) for the series in question. If there is only one extra column of extra info, use this parameter.
Format: Nielsen ratings
Text Optional
Info sub-headers info{A-Z} The sub-headers of the extra information (e.g. Viewers (in millions)) for the series in question. 26 columns are available for extra information (labelled infoA ... infoZ).
Format: Viewers (in millions)
Text Optional
Auxiliary aux{A-Z} The titles of the auxiliary columns. 26 columns are available for auxiliary columns (labelled auxA ... auxZ).
Format: Title
Text Optional
Season specifics Color color* The color of the season table for the season in question.
Format: black / #000000
Color Required
Link link* The link to the season in question.
Transclusion format: <includeonly>List of iZombie episodes</includeonly>#Season 1 (2015)
Non-transclusion format: #Season 1 (2015)
Text Required
Link Text linkT* Alternate text to display in the season link rather than the season number.
Format: Special
Text Optional
Auxiliary aux{A-Z}* Auxiliary columns for season titles, etc. This column spans rows when succeeding auxiliary parameters are not set.
Format: Coven
Text Optional
Episodes episodes* The number of episodes in the season in question.
Format: 22
Exclusion: {{N/A|TBA}}
Number Optional
Start date start* The start date of the season in question.
Format: {{Start date|2015|3|17}}
Exclusion: {{N/A|TBA}}
Date Optional
End date end* The end date of the season in question. If equal to start (i.e. the season was aired/released on the same day), the date spans over two columns. Not included if the "allreleased" parameter is set.
Format: {{End date|2015|6|9}}
Exclusion: {{N/A|TBA}}
Date/Text Optional
Network network* The network that multiple seasons have aired under, if a series has aired on two or more networks. The span of the network column is calculated automatically.
Format: ABC
Text Optional
Info info{A-Z}* The values of the extra information (e.g. Ratings) for the season in question.
Note: Information cell parameters will be automatically set to {{N/A|TBA}} if set for a previous season (e.g. info1A) but not included for the current season (e.g. info2A).
Format: 28
Text Optional
Release Released released Determines whether the television series in question was released online or aired. Changes "Originally/First/Last aired" to "Originally/First/Last released".
Format: y
Text Optional
All Released allreleased Determines whether the television series has all episodes in every season released on the same day (e.g. Orange Is the New Black).
Format: y
Text Optional

* indicates any number that is a positive integer, starting from one for regular/split seasons, and zero for specials.