Template:Periodic table (term symbol)
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Term symbol of the chemical elements
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Group → | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||||||||||||||||||||
↓ Period | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | H 2S1⁄2
He 1S0
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Li 2S1⁄2
Be 1S0
B 2P1⁄2
C 3P0
N 4S3⁄2
O 3P2
F 2P3⁄2
Ne 1S0
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Na 2S1⁄2
Mg 1S0
Al 2P1⁄2
Si 3P0
P 4S3⁄2
S 3P2
Cl 2P3⁄2
Ar 1S0
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | K 2S1⁄2
Ca 1S0
Sc 2D3/2
Ti 3F2
V 4F3/2
Cr 7S3
Mn 6S5/2
Fe 5D4
Co 4F9/2
Ni 3F4
Cu 2S1⁄2
Zn 1S0
Ga 2P1⁄2
Ge 3P0
As 4S3⁄2
Se 3P2
Br 2P3⁄2
Kr 1S0
| ||||||||||||||||||||
5 | Rb 2S1⁄2
Sr 1S0
Y 2D3/2
Zr 3F2
Nb 6D1/2
Mo 7S3
Tc 6S5/2
Ru 5F5
Rh 4F9/2
Pd 1S0
Ag 2S1⁄2
Cd 1S0
In 2P1⁄2
Sn 3P0
Sb 4S3⁄2
Te 3P2
I 2P3⁄2
Xe 1S0
| ||||||||||||||||||||
6 | Cs 2S1⁄2
Ba 1S0
La 2D3/2
![]() |
Hf 3F2
Ta 4F3/2
W 5D0
Re 6S5/2
Os 5D4
Ir 4F9/2
Pt 3D3
Au 2S1⁄2
Hg 1S0
Tl 2P1⁄2
Pb 3P0
Bi 4S3⁄2
Po 3P2
At 2P3⁄2
Rn 1S0
| |||||||||||||||||||
7 | Fr 2S1⁄2
Ra 1S0
Ac 2D3/2
![]() |
Rf 3F2
Db 4F3/2?
Sg 5D0?
Bh 6S5/2?
Hs |
Mt |
Ds |
Rg |
Cn |
Nh |
Fl |
Mc |
Lv |
Ts |
Og | |||||||||||||||||||
![]() |
Ce 1G4
Pr 4I9/2
Nd 5I4
Pm 6H5/2
Sm 7F0
Eu 8S7/2
Gd 9D2
Tb 6H15/2
Dy 5I8
Ho 4I15/2
Er 3H6
Tm 2F7/2
Yb 1S0
Lu 2D3/2
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Th 3F2
Pa 4K11/2
U 5L6
Np 6L11/2
Pu 7F0
Am 8S7/2
Cm 9D2
Bk 6H15/2
Cf 5I8
Es 4I15/2
Fm 3H6
Md 2F7/2
No 1S0
Lr 2P1/2?
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Background color shows subcategory in the metal–metalloid–nonmetal trend:
Usage[edit source]
See also[edit source]
External links[edit source]
- Template:Periodic table (term symbol) at Wikipedia, the free Terran encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
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