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This template is used to show example module usage without invoking the module itself.

Basic use[edit source]

(Note: In the following examples, ellipses (groups of three dots) indicate where parameters have been omitted.)

{{mlix|Module|function|first parameter|second parameter|third|...|tenth}} produces:

{{Module|function|first parameter|second parameter|third|...|tenth}}

Where parameters might contain one or more equals-signs ("="), replace each equals-sign with {{=}}:

{{mlix|Module|function|first{{=}}something|second|third{{=}}something|...|tenth}} produces:


For more than ten parameters, possibly also containing equals-signs, use TAG thus:

{{mlix|Module|function|<nowiki>''first''|''second''|''third=something''|...|''999th''</nowiki>}} produces:


Purpose and naming[edit source]

Mnemonically, "[m]odule [l]ink [i]nvoke e[x]panded" (after {{mli}}, "[m]odule [l]ink [i]nvoke").

This template allows an example of calling a module and function, accompanied by one or more parameters, to be displayed without also causing the module to be called.

Up to ten of the module's parameters (numbered or nowiki-keywords) may be displayed as placeholders, while more than over 10 parameters can be displayed using a coded vertical-bar (as in "&#124;..."). A keyword parameter can be used with equals code &#61; or {{=}} or in nowiki-text: "TAG" or all parameters as a string in "TAG" tags.


If the intended module lists numerous parameters, then perhaps this template should really not be used, and just hardcode the usage with TAGTAG. For example:


If a vertical display, with parameters on their own lines, is desired, this can also be laid out manually in this manner, or more rapidly done with TAG.

Parameters[edit source]

  • If the only parameter supplied is {{{1}}}, i.e. a module's name, {{tlx}}'s output is the same as {{mli}} – i.e. a link within braces – but in a monospaced font:
    • {{mli|sandbox}} and {{mli|sandbox|main}} produce: {{#invoke:sandbox}} and {{#invoke:sandbox|main}}
    • {{mlix|sandbox}} and {{mlix|sandbox|main}} produce: {{#invoke:sandbox}} and {{#invoke:sandbox|main}}
{{mli}} will also not take nor display additional parameters other than the function name.
Named parameters


Setting this parameter to any non-blank value will prefix the string subst: linked to Help:Substitution. This is useful to indicate when a module should be substituted. For example, {{mlix|sandbox|main|subst=Y}} produces:

Usage[edit source]


There are up to 10 placeholders for parameters of the specified template.

Examples[edit source]

Code Result Notes
{{mli|Bananas}} {{#invoke:Bananas}} Usage without function name. This does not produce a usable invocation.
{{mli|Bananas|hello}} {{#invoke:Bananas|hello}} Usage with a function name
{{mlix|BananasArgs|custom_fruit_2|Fred|4=pineapples=10|5=kiwis=5}} {{#invoke:BananasArgs |custom_fruit_2|Fred|pineapples=10|kiwis=5}} Usage with a function name and parameters

See also[edit source]

  • {{mli}}, a version without additional parameters and the monospaced font
  • {{tlx}}, a version of {{mlix}} for templates.

External links[edit source]

Link templates[edit source]

Page Type Normal Link Longer Link Usage Link
Template Template:ltb Template:lt General:{{tlg}}
Normal: {{tl}}
File Template:lfb Template:lf Template:fl
User Template:lub Template:lu Template:ul
Category Template:lcb Template:lc Template:cl
Module Template:lmb Template:lm Template:ml
Wikipedia Template:lwb Template:lw
Portal Template:lpb Template:lp
Book Template:lb2 Template:lb
Article Template:lab Template:la

General-purpose formatting[edit source]

Other formatting templates[edit source]

Code example Effect Notes
{{tl2|Hatnote|lang=fr}} {{hatnote}} Supports linking to sister projects (e.g., fr:Hatnote)
{{tlu|User:Ahunt/SSHFS}} {{User:Ahunt/SSHFS}} Supports linking to any namespace
{{demo|<nowiki>{{Hatnote|lang=fr|Some text}}</nowiki>}}
{{hatnote|lang=fr|Some text}}

Shows code and example
{{xpd|Hatnote|Some hatnote text}} "{{hatnote|Some hatnote text}}" gives "" [1] Shows code, example and a link to expand the template code
Formats wikilink, with optional piped link text and blended suffix
Counterparts to {{tl}} and {{tlx}} for linking to Lua modules
{{para|title|<var>book title</var>}} |title=book title Formats template parameters for display, with or without values
{{sclx|LASTING}} [[WP:LASTING]] Takes a shortcut suffix in project namespace and displays it with brackets and the WP: alias in a [[WP:CODE|TAG]] tag.
Formats [X]HTML tags; can add content, choose opening, closing, or self-closing

With utility links[edit source]

Code example Effect
{{lts|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (Edit Discussion links Page history)
{{t links|Hatnote}} Hatnote (edit talk history links # /subpages /doc /doc edit /sbox /sbox diff /test) · Module:hatnote
{{tfd links|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (edit · talk · history · links · logs · subpages · delete)
{{tiw|Hatnote}} Template:hatnote (backlinks edit)
{{tltt|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}}
{{tetl|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}}
links talk view
{{tsetl|Hatnote}} {{subst:Hatnote}}
 links talk view
{{ti|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (talk · links · edit)
{{tic|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (talk links edit)
{{tiw|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (backlinks edit)
{{tlt|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}} (talk)
{{ttl|Hatnote}} {{Hatnote}} (t/l)
{{twlh|Hatnote}} Template:Hatnote (links, talk)

See also[edit source]

Page Type Normal Link Longer Link Usage Link
Template Template:ltb Template:lt General:{{tlg}}
Normal: {{tl}}
File Template:lfb Template:lf Template:fl
User Template:lub Template:lu Template:ul
Category Template:lcb Template:lc Template:cl
Module Template:lmb Template:lm Template:ml
Wikipedia Template:lwb Template:lw
Portal Template:lpb Template:lp
Book Template:lb2 Template:lb
Article Template:lab Template:la

Template data

Show example module usage without invoking the module itself.

Template parameters

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

Module name1

Name of the module to link

Function name2

no description

1st parameter3

no description

2nd parameter4

no description

3rd parameter5

no description

4th parameter6

no description

5th parameter7

no description

6th parameter8

no description

7th parameter9

no description

8th parameter10

no description

9th parameter11

no description

10th parameter12

no description


no description


Set to any value to show "subst:" before the template name
