Template:In title/doc

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Usage[edit source]

In a "See also" section:

* {{ In title | title phrase | label }}

Creates a link to search for page titles which contain the given word or phrase.

The default behavior of this template is searching for the entire pagename. Add the title phrase parameter to search for if that is needed instead. The default label is All pages with titles containing search term. Add your own label in the label parameter to change this.

If you use the title-phrase parameter, do not use quotation marks. They are ignored. (The intitle search parameter does not recognise quotation marks in the title anyway, but it does require them around a phrase, and these are added automatically.)

Use the parameter |plural=yes to include the plural form of the word (only those formed by appending "-s") in the search. {{In title|River|plural=yes}} produces All pages with a title containing River or Rivers.

To instead search for page titles that begin with a given word, or part of that word, use {{look from}}.

Examples[edit source]

Warnings[edit source]

For print versions, this template leaves an empty bullet. See the talk page and the sandbox for resolution.

See also[edit source]

External links[edit source]