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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Language/sandbox/doc
require('Module:No globals')
local p = {}
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local find = mw.ustring.find
local match = mw.ustring.match
local lower = mw.ustring.lower
local upper = mw.ustring.upper
local U = mw.ustring.char
--[[ Name is the "canonical name" used on Wiktionary. Article is the Wikipedia article. Script is the ISO 15924 code. ]]
local languages = {
["ar"] = {
["name"] = "Arabic",
["article"] = "Arabic language",
["scripts"] = { "Arab" },
--[[ Dagger ālif is replaced by full-size ālif;
fatḥatan, ḍammatan, kasratan, fatḥa, ḍamma, kasra, madda, and sukūn are removed. ]]
["direction"] = "rtl", -- Should be in the script data module.
["replacements"] = {
[U(0x0671)] = U(0x0627),
[U(0x064B)] = "",
[U(0x064C)] = "",
[U(0x064D)] = "",
[U(0x064E)] = "",
[U(0x064F)] = "",
[U(0x0650)] = "",
[U(0x0651)] = "",
[U(0x0652)] = "",
[U(0x0670)] = "",
[U(0x0640)] = "",
["bn"] = {
["name"] = "Bengali",
["article"] = "Bengali language",
["scripts"] = { "Beng" },
["de"] = {
["name"] = "German",
["article"] = "German language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["replacements"] = {
["ae"] = "ä",
["oe"] = "ö",
["ue"] = "ü",
["A[Ee]"] = "Ä",
["O[Ee]"] = "Ö",
["U[Ee]"] = "Ü",
["en"] = {
["name"] = "English",
["article"] = "English language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["es"] = {
["name"] = "Spanish",
["article"] = "Spanish language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["fr"] = {
["name"] = "French",
["article"] = "French language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["frm"] = {
["name"] = "Middle French",
["article"] = "Middle French",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["grc"] = {
["name"] = "Ancient Greek",
["article"] = "Ancient Greek",
["scripts"] = { "Grek" },
["replacements"] = {
-- Vowels with macrons or breves are replaced with plain letters.
["[ᾱᾰ]"] = "α",
["[ᾹᾸ]"] = "Α",
["[ῑῐ]"] = "ι",
["[ῙῘ]"] = "Ι",
["[ῡῠ]"] = "υ",
["[ῩῨ]"] = "Υ",
["ϑ"] = "θ",
["ϱ"] = "ρ"
["hi"] = {
["name"] = "Hindi",
["article"] = "Hindi",
["scripts"] = { "Deva" },
["ja"] = {
["name"] = "Japanese",
["article"] = "Japanese language",
["scripts"] = { "Jpan" },
["la"] = {
["name"] = "Latin",
["article"] = "Latin",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["replacements"] = {
-- Vowels with macrons, breves, or diaereses are replaced with plain letters.
["[ĀĂ]"] = "A",
["[āă]"] = "a",
["[ĒĔ]"] = "E",
["[ēĕë]"] = "e",
["[ĪĬÏ]"] = "I",
["[īĭï]"] = "i",
["[ŌŎ]"] = "O",
["[ōŏ]"] = "o",
["[ŪŬÜ]"] = "U",
["[ūŭü]"] = "u",
["Ȳ"] = "Y",
["ȳ"] = "y"
["mul"] = {
["name"] = "Translingual",
["article"] = "",
["script"] = { "" },
["pt"] = {
["name"] = "Portuguese",
["article"] = "Portuguese language",
["scripts"] = { "Latn" },
["pa"] = {
["name"] = "Punjabi",
["article"] = "Punjabi language",
["scripts"] = { "Guru", "Arab", }
["ru"] = {
["name"] = "Russian",
["article"] = "Russian language",
["scripts"] = { "Cyrl" },
-- Combining acute accent is removed.
["replacements"] = { [U(0x0301)] = "", }
["ur"] = {
["name"] = "Urdu",
["article"] = "Urdu",
["scripts"] = { "Arab" },
["zh"] = {
["name"] = "Chinese",
["article"] = "Chinese language",
["scripts"] = { "Hani" },
[""] = {
["name"] = "",
["article"] = "",
["script"] = { "" },
[""] = {
["name"] = "",
["article"] = "",
["script"] = { "" },
["replacements"] = {
local function checkForString(variable)
return variable ~= "" and variable ~= nil
local function makeLinkedName(languageCode)
local data = languages[languageCode]
local article = data["article"]
local name = data["name"]
return "[[" .. article .. "|" .. name .. "]]: "
local function makeEntryName(word, languageCode)
local data = languages[languageCode]
word = tostring(word)
if word == nil then
error("The function makeEntryName requires a string argument")
elseif word == "" then
return ""
-- Remove bold and italics, so that words that contain bolding or emphasis can be linked without piping.
word = gsub(word, "\'\'\'", "")
word = gsub(word, "\'\'", "")
if data == nil then
return word
local replacements = data and data["replacements"]
if replacements == nil then
return word
for regex, replacement in pairs(replacements) do
word = gsub(word, regex, replacement)
return word
local function getCodes(codes, text)
local languageCode, scriptCode
local errorText = ""
if find(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?%s*$") or find(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?-%a%a%a%a%s*$") then
-- A three- or two-letter lowercase sequence at beginning of first parameter
languageCode = find(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?") and (match(codes, "^%s*(%l%l%l?)") or gsub(match(codes, "^%s*(%a%a%a?)"), "(%a%a%a?)", function(a) return lower(a) end, 1) )
-- One uppercase and three lowercase letters at the end of the first parameter
scriptCode = find(codes, "%a%a%a%a%s*$") and (match(codes, "(%u%l%l%l)%s*$") or gsub(match(codes, "(%a%a%a%a)%s*$"), "(%a)(%a%a%a)", function(a, b) return upper(a) .. lower(b) end, 1) ) or require("Module:Language/scripts").isLatn(text) and "Latn" or "unknown"
elseif find(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?") then
languageCode = gsub(match(codes, "%a%a%a?"), "(%a%a%a?)", function(a) return lower(a) end, 1)
local invalidCode = gsub(codes, "^%s*%a%a%a?%-?", "")
errorText = ' <span style="font-size: smaller">[<code>'..invalidCode..'</code> is not a valid script code.]</span>'
elseif find(codes, "%-?%a%a%a%a%s*$") then
scriptCode = gsub(match(codes, "%a%a%a%a"), "%a%a%a%a", function(a) return lower(a) end, 1)
local invalidCode = gsub(codes, "%s*%a%a%a%a%-?$", "")
errorText = ' <span style="font-size: smaller">[<code>'..invalidCode..'</code> is not a valid language code.]</span>'
elseif codes == nil or codes == "" then
errorText = ' <span style="font-size: smaller">[no language or script code provided]</span>'
errorText = ' <span style="font-size: smaller">[<code>''</code> is not a valid language or script code.]</span>'
return languageCode, scriptCode, errorText
local function tag(text, languageCode, script, italics)
local data = languages[languageCode]
local italicize = script == "Latn" and italics
if not text then text = "[text?]" end
local textDirectionMarkers = data and data["direction"] == "rtl" and { ' dir="rtl"', '‎' } or { "", "" }
local out = italicize and "<i lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\" xml:lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\"" .. textDirectionMarkers[1] .. ">" .. text .. "</i>" or "<span lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\" xml:lang=\"" .. languageCode .. "\"" .. textDirectionMarkers[1] .. ">" .. text .. "</span>" .. textDirectionMarkers[2]
return out
function p.lang(frame)
local parent = frame:getParent()
local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args
local codes = args[1]
local text = args[2] or error("Provide text in the second parameter")
local languageCode, scriptCode, errorText = getCodes(codes, text)
local italics = args.italics or args.i
italics = not (italics == "n" or italics == "-")
return tag(text, languageCode, scriptCode, italics) .. errorText
local function linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText, languageCode)
local data = languages[languageCode]
local name
if languageCode then
name = data and or mw.language.fetchLanguageName(languageCode, 'en') -- On other languages' wikis, use mw.getContentLanguage():getCode(), or replace with that wiki's language code.
if entry and linkText then
return "[[wikt:" .. entry .. "#" .. name .. "|" .. linkText .. "]]"
error("linkToWiktionary needs a Wiktionary entry or link text, or both")
return "[[wikt:" .. entry .. "|" .. linkText .. "]]"
function p.wikt(frame)
local parent = frame:getParent()
local args = parent.args[1] and parent.args or frame.args
local codes = args[1] or nil
local word1 = args[2] or nil
local word2 = args[3] or nil
local languageCode, scriptCode, errorText = getCodes(codes, word1)
local errorMessage = errorText
local italics = args.italics or args.i
italics = not (italics == "n" or italics == "-")
local entry, linkText
if checkForString(word2) and checkForString(word1) then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word2
elseif checkForString(word1) then
entry = makeEntryName(word1, languageCode)
linkText = word1
local out = (languageCode and entry and linkText and tag(linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText, languageCode), languageCode, scriptCode, italics) ) or entry and linkText and linkToWiktionary(entry, linkText) or '<span style="font-size: smaller;">[text?]</span>'
return out and out .. errorMessage or errorMessage or error("The function wikt generated nothing")
return p