Module:Language/data/ISO 639 name to code/make

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Language/data/ISO 639 name to code/make/doc

require('Module:No globals');
local temp = {};

--[[--------------------------< A D D _ L A N G >--------------------------------------------------------------

temp table is a table of tables where the key is the language name and the value is a 3-element table listing
the ISO 639 codes associated with that language name.

This function adds language name (as index) and its code (as a table element) to the appropriate place in the temp table.  

lang is the language name from the source data
code is the associated ISO 639 code from the source data
part is 1 for ISO 639-1 language names and codes, 2 ..., 3 ..., 5 ...  Note that part 5 codes go in index [4]

This function does not create alias entries in temp table for those language names that use characters with diacritics.
To do so risks conflict between names that do not use diacritics (Bari, code bfa) and names that do (Barí, code mot).


local function lang_add (lang, code, part)
	local count;
	if 5 == part then
		part = 4;																-- there is no current 639-4 map part 5 codes into temp[lang][4]
	lang = mw.ustring.lower (lang);												-- convert to lowercase for use as table index
	if not temp[lang] then														-- when no entry for this language
		temp[lang] = {'""', '""', '""', '""'};									-- make a blank entry

	temp[lang][part] = table.concat ({'"', code, '"'});							-- add the code

--[[--------------------------< I S O 6 3 9 _ N A M E _ T O _ C O D E >----------------------------------------

read code-to-name source tables and convert to a name-to-code table.


local function iso_639_name_to_code ()
	local out = {};

	local part1_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/iana languages');		-- used only for ISO 639-1 language codes / names
	local part2_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639-2');			-- ISO 639-2 language codes / names
	local part3_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639-3');			-- ISO 639-3 language codes / names
	local part5_data = mw.loadData ('Module:Language/data/ISO 639-5');			-- ISO 639-5 language codes / names

	for code, v in pairs (part3_data) do										-- start with part 3 because it has the most codes
		for _, lang in ipairs (v) do											-- code can have multiple names so for each one
			lang_add (lang, code, 3);											-- create and / or add this name / code pair to the output

	for code, v in pairs (part5_data) do										-- now part 5
		for _, lang in ipairs (v) do
			lang_add (lang, code, 5);
	for code, v in pairs (part2_data) do										-- now part 2
		for _, lang in ipairs (v) do
			lang_add (lang, code, 2);
	for code, v in pairs (part1_data) do										-- now part 1
		if 2 == #code then														-- IANA source data includes a mix of 2- and 3-character codes; ISO 639-1 is the 2-character variety
			for _, lang in ipairs (v) do
				lang_add (lang, code, 1);

	for lang, codes in pairs (temp) do
		table.insert (out, table.concat ({'["', lang, '"] = {', table.concat (codes, ', '), '}'}));	-- reformat

	table.sort (out);
	return table.concat ({"<pre>return {<br />&#9;", table.concat (out, ',<br />&#9;'), "<br />&#9;}<br /></pre>"});	-- render

return {iso_639_name_to_code = iso_639_name_to_code}