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This module implements {{Duration}}. It tries to add a microformat to a duration (hh:mm:ss or mm:ss) whenever possible. If the module is unable to add hAudio microformat (and the input does not contain the microformat) then the page will be included in Category:Duration without hAudio microformat (0).

Usage[edit source]

This template should normally be called through {{Duration}}, and used as {{#invoke:hms|main|duration=duration}} when included in other templates.

Valid parameters are numbered parameters 1, 2 and 3, and unnumbered parameters |h=, |m=, |s= and |duration=. |duration= should not be used in {{Duration}}, as |1= can provide the same function.

The two triplets of parameters accept numbers as inputs (hours, minutes, seconds respectively). Only |3= and |s= can contain decimals; the others must be integers. The seconds value must not exceed 60, and the minutes value must not exceed 60 if there is an hours value. If the inputs are not recognized as numbers, an error message is returned.

|1= and |duration= accept strings. If the string contains a microformat then the string will be returned without modification. Otherwise, the module will attempt to add an hAudio microformat to the first unformatted duration found. If the string contains more than one duration, only the first one will have a microformat added.

Errors are placed in Category:Duration with input error (2).

External links[edit source]

local p = {}

function p._error( error_str )
    return '[[Category:Duration with input error]]<strong class="error">Error in Module:Hms: ' .. error_str .. '</strong>'

function p.main(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {wrappers = {'Template:Duration', 'Template:Duration/sandbox'}})
	local tmp = args.duration or args[1] or ''
	local duration = {}
	if tonumber(args[1]) or args[2] or args[3] then
		if args[4] then return p._error('Parameter number 4 should not be specified') end
		if not args[1] or args[1] == '' then
			duration = {args[2] or 0, args[3] or 0}
			duration = {args[1], args[2] or 0, args[3] or 0}
		tmp = nil
		for k, v in ipairs(duration) do
			duration[k] = tonumber(v)
			if not duration[k] then return p._error('Invalid values') end
	elseif args.h or args.m or args.s then
		if not args.h or args.h == '' then
			duration = {args.m or 0, args.s or 0}
			duration = {args.h, args.m or 0, args.s or 0}
		tmp = nil
		for k, v in ipairs(duration) do
			duration[k] = tonumber(v)
			if not duration[k] then return p._error('Invalid values') end
		if mw.ustring.find(tmp, 'class="duration"', 1, yes) then return tmp end -- if there is already a microformat, don't do anything
		duration = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.match(tmp, '%d*:?%d+:%d+%.?%d*') or '', ':') -- split into table
		if duration[4] then return p._error('Maximum of two colons allowed') end
		for k, v in ipairs(duration) do duration[k] = tonumber(v) or 0 end -- convert values to numbers
	if duration[3] then
		if (duration[1] + duration[2] + duration[3]) == 0 then return nil end
		if (duration[1] ~= math.ceil(duration[1])) or (duration[2] ~= math.ceil(duration[2])) then return p._error('Hours and minutes values must be integers') end
		if duration[3] >= 60 then return p._error('Seconds value must be less than 60') end
		if duration[2] >= 60 then return p._error('Minutes value must be less than 60 if hours value is specified') end
		if duration[2] < 10 then duration[2] = '0'..duration[2] end -- zero padding
		if duration[3] < 10 then duration[3] = '0'..duration[3] end
		duration = '<span class="duration"><span class="h">' .. duration[1] .. '</span>:<span class="min">' .. duration[2] .. '</span>:<span class="s">' .. duration[3] .. '</span></span>'
	elseif duration[2] then
		if (duration[1] + duration[2]) == 0 then return nil end
		if duration[1] ~= math.ceil(duration[1]) then return p._error('Hours and minutes values must be integers') end
		if duration[2] >= 60 then return p._error('Seconds value must be less than 60') end
		if duration[2] < 10 then duration[2] = '0'..duration[2] end -- zero padding
		duration = '<span class="duration"><span class="min">' .. duration[1] .. '</span>:<span class="s">' .. duration[2] .. '</span></span>'
		duration = ''
	if tmp and tmp ~= '' then
		if duration ~= '' then tmp = mw.ustring.gsub(tmp, '%d*:?%d+:%d+%.?%d*', duration, 1) else tmp = tmp .. ' [[Category:Duration without hAudio microformat]]' end
		if duration ~= '' then tmp = duration end
	return tmp

return p