Hârnview/1st Edition/9

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HÂRNVIEW - Religions

The Gods Of Harn[edit | edit source]

The inhabitants of Harn are pantheistic; they believe in the existence of ten major (and hundreds of minor) deities, but most Harnians will worship only one of these. The ten major deities, and their most common titles, follow in alphabetical order; each is more fully described in Harndex:

Agrik[edit | edit source]

"Lord of the Four Horsemen, Master of the V'hir, Immortal Warlord of Balgashang, Breeder of Plague, Squallor, and Decay, Reasonless Reaper, Tyrant of the Foul Chamber, Knower of the Ten Thousand Ways."

Halea[edit | edit source]

"The Empress of Opulence, Queen of Pleasures and Self-Fulfilment, Maker of Bargains, Guardian of the Treasure Hoardes of Heaven, Enslaver of Hearts and Loins, Mistress of the Stolen Moment Forever Lost, Unchaste Lady of the Ten Forgotten Acts, Golden Temptress of the Crimson Chamber."

Ilvir[edit | edit source]

"Master of Araka-Kalai, Brooder in the Blasted Plains, Serpent that Dwells Below, Accursed Lord of the Barren Cycle, Prince of the Fatherless Multitude, Craven Lord of the Sterile Lands. "

Larani[edit | edit source]

"Shieldmaiden of the Worthy Cause, Guardian of Doli thor, Protector of the Brave, Lady of Paladins, and the Unwilling Warrior."

Morgath[edit | edit source]

"Tormentor of the Unlamented Dead, Master of the Principle of Evil, Lord of the Gulmorvin of the Black Pit, Wielder of the Shadow of Incarnate Evil, Wreaker of Chaos."

Naveh[edit | edit source]

"Lord of the Pitch Shadows, Master of Deceit and Evil "' reams, Lord of the Last Illusion, Merchant of Death, ~nseen Lifter of Lives, Trancer the Cat, Wealth's Worry."

Peoni[edit | edit source]

"The Restorer and Bringer of Life Renewed, Maker of . Balms , Lady of Truth, Ever living Daughter of White Virtue, Guardian of the Meek, Lady of Industrious Labours and the Ripe Harvest, Confidant of Lovers, Chaste Lady of Honest Love."

Sarajin[edit | edit source]

"King of the Icy Wind, Lord of the Perilous Quest, Wielder of the Blooded Axe, Master of Frosty Climes, The Gray Slayer."

Save-k'nor[edit | edit source]

"Lord of Puzzles, Conundr'Ums and Mazes, Sage of the Gods, Lord of Jesters. Mixer of Potions, Knower of Many Things, Keeper of the Var-Hyvrak, The Lost Guide."

Siem[edit | edit source]

"Master of the Lords of Dream, Bringer of Meritorious Dreams and Blessed Forgetfulness, Lord of the Starlit and Thrice Blessed Realm, King of the Uttermost West, Master of the Sundered Ones in Exile, Spirit of the Mist, Never Changing Lord of the Azure Bowl."

CHURCH HIERACHIES[edit | edit source]

The organisation of the churches of 1-farn will vary greatly, but there are some similar ranks and customs. Essentially, indoctrination into the mysteries of the religion is simultaneous with the accrual of additional responsibility and power . Anyone may be initiated into the rituals of the next "circle", but such knowledge is shared sparingly. It has little to do with faith; .vancement in a church hierachy is a matter of politics. J11 churches are divided into clergy and laity; the former are the priests and priestess es, those who organise and administer the temples and devote their lives to the service of the deity . The clergy may, depending on the church, have little time for their own pursuits, being totally at the call of their superiors who they are expected to serve unquestioningly. The laity are simply the adherants of the religion; they will have access to fewer of the mysteries and will be unable to advance beyond a certain point. It should be noted that, while they are often simple folk, clerics will usually enjoy priviliged status. On Harn, the fragmentation of the churches, resulting from pantheism, greatly weakens the churches' influence.


First Circle

Second Circle

Third Circle

Fourth Circle

Fifth Circle

Sixth Circle

Seventh Circle

USUAL RANK WITHIN THE CHURCH Any member of the laity with little or no knowledge of the temple mysteries. Persons with no command may, however, be pious and dutiful adherants of the deity.

Lay Brother or Clerical Acolyte. Command of the first circle simply indicates a basic religious education, either with a view to further indoctrination, or simply to become a better follower.

Friar or Senior Lay Brother. This level of command is the usual maximum for a layman. A cleric with command of the second circle would be deemed a senior acolyte.

Priest or Lay Grandmaster. The is the level of command for an ordained priest who holds office within the church and has the right to grant blessings, hold services etc. It is also the absolute maximum for a layman, the level achieved by the grandmaster of a fighting-order. Few, even of the clergy, will progress beyond this.

Bishop/High Priest. A cleric in charge of one or more temples wielding considerable power within the church. Most clerical grandmasters (heads of clerical orders) are of this rank.

Archbishop. The senior priest of the church for a good sized region, on Harn perhaps a whole country.

Primate. The senior cleric of a church for all of Harn. Some temples will not acknowledge any supreme mortal leader.

Pontiff. The supreme, non-divine, head of the church for the entire planet of Kethira, if applicable . None reside on Harn.

Most Harnic priests and priestesses are members of a clerical order and most churches are organised into one or more such orders. The lay-followers of a deity are not (generally) required to support any particular order, but some lay warriors may belong to fighting-orders sponsored by various clerical orders. See: CLERICAL OIWEHS, FIGHTING-ORDERS, and specific deity entries in Harndex.

MINOR RELIGIONS[edit | edit source]

Apart from the ten preceding deities, there are hundreds of lesser divine and semi-divine entities who are worshipped by various, usually tribal, Harnians.

DEMIGODS AND DEMONS[edit | edit source]

Demigods are of two types, those who serve, by choice or compulsion, one of the ten great deities described above, and those who serve no-one. Several of the former type are described in HARNDEX. A god does not have to actually exist in order to be worshipped, nor does an existing god require adherants. Harnians are superstitious foll<, believing in the existence of some type of spirit (Kami, totem, Asiri etc.) in every living, and many unliving things . The barbarian tribes of Harn all possess their own mythologies (which may be developed as needed by the gamemaster). Some believe the Earthmasters [hx] were gods, some are at11iests or agnostics.