Hârnview/1st Edition/25
Pregame[edit | edit source]The pregame is a method for creating a biography for characters. This involves a set of decisions and consequences; because of the vast number of inherent possibilities, we cannot be too specific . A player character will usually begin the pregame around the age of 12. Depending on the circumstances of his birth, the gamemaster will offer the character a series of choices and will (using dice) randomly determine the outcome of each decision. Say, for example, the character's father is a guilded weaponcrafter; the character could aP.prentice into the guild and/or join the local, part-time militia in an attempt to aquire some skill at arms. Perhaps he might run away from home and after facing a few dangers (handled "shorthand" by the gamemaster), try to enter the church, or seek out a master of the arcane arts with the aim of becoming a mage or any number of other things. For each decision the player makes the gamemaster should decide what the consequences might be and then determine (randomly) which turns out. The character should either end up with a few basic abilities and a brief personal history, or dead (in which case start over). Many players enjoy the process of character generation and pregame as much as actual play. As months and years fly by in the pregame, the player and the gamemaster should make appropriate notes. When the gamemaster decides that the pregame has gone on long enough, that the player has enough background and personal abilities (and is old enough, say ~ 18-24) then play may commence . Player Equipment[edit | edit source]Before play begins, the gamemaster should provide the player-characters with whatever materials he thinks appropriate. These might include: (1) A map, representing the character's memory and experience during his life to date. A character should have some sort of visual concept of the district where he has spent the first years of his life. In most cases this knowledge will not be very extensive. A rough map showing his village/etc. of birth and a radius of a few leagues in each direction, perhaps also the road or track to the nearest market town should be included. Hexpaper for this map is desirable but not mandatory. How this map is prepared and added to is at the discretion of those involved. I personally, as gamemaster, keep my players' "memory-maps" up to date and even go so far as to forbid players to look at each others' maps (unless they have telepathy). Most gamemasters leave the players to themselves in this. (2) A certain amount of general cultural information. Knowledge is power, but everyone is entitled to some. After growing to maturity, a character should have at least a vague idea of how his society works. The gamemaster can provide the needed information by reading from Harndex, or Harnview, but should be careful not to give the players too much knowledge; this will reduce the element of mystery and could even destroy the desire to explor e . Use common sense. The gamemaster will also want to include some local legend/history and probably some downright lies. Among these will be some ideas for possible adventures (see: Scenarios). Remember that the 1dea of FRP is that the players can attempt anything they wish (within reason); it is usually better to let the players use their own imaginations than to lead them "by the nose" through pre-programmed adventure packages. Both players and gamemasters should be prepared to improvise.
Hexpapers[edit | edit source]While any hexpaper is generally acceptable for map-making, we would like to take this oportunity to recommend the "Pathfinder" brand of hexpapers, which as you might guess is one of our products. This hexpaper, a sample of which is included on page 26, is specifically designed for Harn mapping, the hex and grid layout being identical with the Harn Regional Map. PATHFINDER hexpapers come in the following sizes: 1. 5mm 8 11 X 11" (20 sheets per package) 2. 7mm 8 11 X 1111 (20 sheets per package) 3. 7mm 16 11 X 1111 (10 sheets per package) 4. 10mm 16 11 X 1111 (10 sheets per package) All hexpapers are printed one side only on deluxe non-glare paper and 3 hole punched to fit binders . The two larger sizes (3 & 4) are also folded to fit binders. Gamemasters should note that item (1) is a "player-sized" reduction of item (3); item (2) is a "player-sized" reduction of item (4). The sample on opposite page is item (2). PRICE: $3 .oo Per Package, postage included. "Pathfinder" is a tradermark of Columbia Games Inc.
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