Hârnview/1st Edition/12

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HÂRNVIEW - History

The Earthmasters[edit | edit source]

Almost nothing is known of the first (?) inhabitants of liarn; even the name by which they knew themselves is lost. They are now referred to as the Earthmasters, or Ancients. SurviVing murals and sculpture portray humanoid figures of diverse stature and configuration. This might indicate that they were either shapechangers or of several distinct species. When and from where the Ancients came is unknown. Legends tell of an empire flourishing on Harn 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. There is physical evidence to suggest their presence in Lythia and many believe that the Ancients controlled all of Kethira. Persistent legends claim the Earthmasters could travel vast distances instantaneously' change the weather at will, and control the minds of lesser creatures.

Earthmaster Sites[edit | edit source]

Stories of the Ancients are so incredible that their very existence could be dismissed were it not for the sites and artifacts they left. Scattered across Harn, and elsewhere, are to be found mysterious ruins. Considering their antiquity it is remarkable that anything survives at all. Known sites tend to be in remote, inaccessable locations. Physical evidence of roads linking the sites has never been found. Although above- ground remains tend to be poorly preserved, most sites have extensive and well-crafted underground chambers and tunnels. One legend describes the lost city of Lahr-Darin, said to exist beneath some mountain on Harn.

Earthmaster Artifacts[edit | edit source]

Known Ancient sites have been repeatedly sacked and several outstanding artifacts have been secured by persons of power. The King of Evael is said to possess a Sli-Hordah [hx), King Hazmadul of Azadmere is rumoured to own the Kyn-Assard [hx), the King of Kanday is believed to wear a vest which protects him from harm, and the King of Kaldor is known to keep the N'Garith [hx) • Diverse Earthmaster artifacts are in the keeping of the mages of Melderyn. The most enduring and mysterious artifacts of all are the "Godstones" [hx] found at all Earthmaster sites.

The Departure of the Earthmasters[edit | edit source]

Approximately 16,000 years ago the Ancients suddenly vanished from the face of Harn. Their departure remains a subject of uneasy conjecture. Why did they leave? Where did they go? Did they perceive some fault or danger that the present inhabitants cannot? Will they returnf Some have claimed that the Earthmasters never left but merely withdrew to the Isle of Melderyn where their descendants reside to this day.

The Lost Years[edit | edit source]

The period between the departure of the Ancients and the arrival of the Sindarin is generally referred to as the "Lost Years". No contemporary records or a rtifacts survive from the period. Harn may have been totally uninhabited, some claim it was " ••• an age of dragons, trolls, and fell beasts that would defy description and harm the eye ••• ". A fe\v talk of great floods and earthquakes that separated the Harnic Isles from the continent of Lythia.

The Age of the Sindarin[edit | edit source]

The immortal elves are not noted for keeping much in the way of written records, tending to rely mainly on oral histories. The date of their arrival on .tfarn is generally held to have been around 10,000 BT although the Sindarin rarely speak of their past. Legend recounts that the Sindarin came to Harn from the east (?). The island was only one of several brief stops they would make. Many Sindarin could not resist the pristine beauty of the island and decided to stay a "while". For three thousand years, the Sindarin dwelt in peaceful solitude on Harn with Siem [hx], ·their deity, personally present. When the god decided to continue his journey westwards, some elves chose to stay.

The Codominium[edit | edit source]

The Sindarin remaining on Harn shared the island with-./ a new race, the Khuzdul [ hx] • The origins of the Khuzdul are vague, especially to outsiders who must rely on second- hand myths and pure speculation. Common legend recounts that Siem awoke the Khuzdul from " ••• their eternal slumber deep within Kethira's bosom ••• ". How the dwarves came to be there is far from clear.

The two races have vastly divergent world views and have a lways preferred to dwell in separate communities . Nevertheless, they lived in near perfect harmony during the Codominium, for then, as now, each race possessed skills complimentary to the other. The Sirion Scrolls [hx] detail trade and friendly intercourse between Khuzdul and Sindarin. The existence of a mutual trading centre at the Pesina [hx) ruins is documented. This golden age was not to endure; with the coming of man, relations between the two elder peoples began their decline.

Dawning of the Age of Men[edit | edit source]

Over two thousand years ago the distant heartlands of Lythia spawned the massive barbarian migrations that would first drive humans to Harn. Within a century the first human immigrants reached the islands from western Lythia. These early tribes came to be called the Jarin and they recognised the superior culture of the elder peoples. Since the Sindarin dwelled in forests inland, and the Khuzdul prefered the mountains, both were willing to tolerate the brash, energetic, short-lived humans . The newcon1ers swore fealty to the elven king, Daelda [hx], and were given the coastal regions to live in. Under the tutelage of the elder peoples, the Jarin farmed, built villages and prospered.

Within a few centuries, friction developed between the humans and their Sindarin leige . With their far higher birthrate, men soon came to outnumber the elves and dwarves. Inevitably, the Jarin drifted inland as the '--../" coasts became overcrowded. By 1000 BT, human communities dotted the whole of the Harnic Isles. The Sindarin were increasingly distressed at the humans' clearing of ever larger tracts of forest in favour of farmland. It is likely that bloodshed would have resulted, were it not for a greater, common threat.

The Atani Wars[edit | edit source]

Around 1,600 years ago warlike Lythians began to raid Harn. At first only a minor threat to coastal villages, the raids increased in severity and extent, until King Daelda was forced to order all coastal settlements fortified and garrisoned. He even commanded his own folk to defend the most critical areas, despite the considerable strain on his limited "elfpower". Checked only briefly, the barbarians began travelling up the rivers of Harn or landing on isola ted beaches and raiding further inland.

After a century of gradually increasing pillage and terror, the barbarians began to land forces intent on conquest and permanent settlement. At first King Daelda and his Jarin and Khuzdul allies were able to expel them but they were gradually forced to abandon the coasts of Solora and Horadir to these determined warriors. The barbarians pushed inland and a great battle was fought c.683 BT to decide the future of liarn. Known as the Battle of Sorrows [hx), the invaders were routed but Daelda suffered a mortal wound to die soon after.

The Abdication[edit | edit source]

King Aranath [hx], Daelda's ::.uccessor, knew the elves could win most battles but they would eventually expend their limited numbers against the seemingly endless swarms of barbarians. Aranath renounced his sovereignity over Harn and withdrew his kinfolk to thE' ........_ Shava Forest [hx], there to found and maintain the'--""'Kingdom of Evael [hx). The Khuzdul deemed this act a betrayal (for which they have yet to grant forgivness) and withdrew to their mountain strongholds. So it was that the elder peoples withdrew from the mainstream of