Hârnview/1st Edition/11
The Agricultural Economy[edit | edit source]
The economic system which dominates civilized Harn is an agrarian economy, mostly feudal in nature. The power oi the Harnic nobility is vested in its control of agriculture which accounts for 80% of all economic activity and involves 90% of its population. While agricultural techniques are primitive (medieval) , virtually all rural districts of Harn are self-sufficient for food. For details relating to agriculture, see: MANOR and FOOD in Harndex.
The Urban Economy[edit | edit source]
Harnic towns are located in the heart of farming districts and live off the surpluses of the surrounding rural area . In addition to the walled towns, most settlements marked as castles and keeps on the regional map have small "towns" adjacent to them where a market is held at least once a month. The largest urban center on Harn is Coranan, with a population of about 15,000, and probably the only center deserving of the name "city".
Barely 5-10% of the population live in the major towns where they produce the "artifacts of civilization". Townsmen are freemen, divided into two classes, guilded and unguilded. Anyone may enter an unguilded occupation but these tend to be insecure, unfulfilling, and unprofitable. Unguilded freemen are often no better off than the serfs of the countryside. They are, mostly, the dregs of humanity who have fled a dreary life of farming, only to starve or live at the pleasure of wealthy urban magnates. Most unguilded urban freemen will be comll)on labourers. Some become common soldiers; a few are successful scribes, artists or toymakers. The aldermen and mayors (under the king) for most freetowns are usually wealthy guildsmen such as mercantylers and litigants.
THE GUILDS[edit | edit source]
On Harn virtually all significant commercial and professional activities fall within the monopolies of powerful guilds, who are protected by law. The Mangai [hx] is the organisation charged with the regulation of guilds and their monopolies; it operates under the Charter of the Mangai [hx] , a law in force throughout civilized Harn. The Mangai is comprised of representatives of all all guilds and makes periodic recomendations to the governments of Harnic states on the conduct of economic affairs. Although it wields enormous power, the Mangai stays out of politics and governments respond by limiting their involvement in guild affairs to taxation.
The Harnic guilds tend to take in large groups of related businesses. Most guilds are essentially urban; some may be both urban and rural. A few are weak, with vague loosely defined monopolies but most are stong with rigid monopolies. The monopoly of each guild and any peculiarities it may have are described under its own heading in Harndex:
- Apothecaries
- Arcane Lore
- Chandlers
- Charcoalers
- Clothiers
- Courtesans
- Embalmers
- Glassworkers
- Harpers
- Heralds
- Hideworkers
- Innkeepers
- Jewellers
- Lexigraphers
- Lia-Kavair
- Litigants
- Locksmiths
- Masons
- Mercantylers
- Metalsmiths
- Millers
- Miners
- Ostlers
- Perfumers
- Physicians
- Pilots
- Potters
- Salters
- Seamen
- Shipwrights
- Tentmakers
- Thespians
- Timberwrights
- Weaponcrafters
- Woodcrafters
In Orbaal and among the Khuzdul, the functions of guilds are perfomed by clans, equally monopolistic, but whose organisation tends to be simpler.
The Economic Map[edit | edit source]
Most regions of Harn are self-sufficient with the exception of salt and minerals. The map on page facing shows only resources and products wluch are available in sufficient quantity for trade. That is, there is a surplus of these items for the specific area, allowing them to be "exported" to another region.
The Money Economy[edit | edit source]
In medieval societies, the use of money was not widespread, barter and payment in kind being more common. For FRP games it is necessary to take some liberties with this, so that player-characters can handle money, find it, earn it and spend it. Therefore, the money economy suggested for use in Harn is somewhat liberal but it is an accurate presentation of prices and incomes of the time. The coinage system in use throughout Harn is based on a single coin, the silver penny:
12 pennies = 1 shilling 20 shillings = 1 pound
The shilling (12d) and the pound (240d) are not coins, merely quantities of silver pennies. To keep things simple, all prices and incomes are given in pence (pennies) • There are no bronze or copper coins on Harn. Some rare gold coins exist but most Harnians will never see one. See: COINS (hx].
Prices & Incomes[edit | edit source]
Prices and incomes are based on exhaustive research of medieval Britain from 1200-1300. The 13th century was chosen since this era contained the most abundant data. However, it has been necessary to modify some prices to relate to Harn. For example, wood was relatively scarce and expensive in medieval Britain but on Harn, which is still heavily forested, the prices for wood and wood related products have been reduced. The prices of weapons have, on the other hand, been increased (see:WEAPONCRAFTERS' GUILD [hx]. Throughout this century, both prices and incomes were relatively stable, although they could, and did, fluctuate in the short term and from one locale to another. Generally, however, gamemasters can use additional prices they research for this time period and add them to Harn without conversion problems, keeping in mind the short term fluctuations mentioned. Under each guild entry in Harndex will be found general price lists for the goods and services sold by that guild. This covers most prices you are likely to need. Incomes for all occupations, both guilded and unguilded, are listed under INCOMES [hx].
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