Hârndex/1st Edition
A[edit | edit source]
The domain of clan Taresaar in Orbaal, paying tribute to Vaagel.
The tribal nation inhabiting the Island of Anfla. The Adænum are organized into about twenty, culturally indistinguishable tribes, varying in size between fifty and four hundred. Their inefficient agricultural techniques cause rapid soil depletion prompting tribes to move every few years. Villages will be reused. by the same or another tribe, about every fifteen to twenty years; a given site will not often be lived in for more than two to three years. Adænum village contain a mixture of permanent wooden frames but animal hide walls are portable. The Adænum also heard sheep, goats, ponies and a few cattle.
The highest peak, 8,865 feet (2,702 m) of the Jahl Mountains.
An archipelago of fifty-eight, hilly forested islands northwest of Hârn between the seas of Tirpal and Itikir. The Afarezirs have many fine natural anchorages, mainly fjords. Several attempts have been made to colonize the islands but no permanent settlements remain.
The present era of Hârnic history, which began with the arrival of Hârn's first human settlers, the Jarin, just over 2,000 years ago.
The three millennia, from c.10,000 BT to c.7,000 BT, between the Lost Years and the Codominium. This was a “golden age” when the Sindarin, with their deity Siem, dwelt alone on Hârn.
The 6th and last Autarch (668-674) of the Thardic League. Since the founding of the Thardic League in 636, the power of the Autarchs had grown to a quasi-imperial status. Many league senators became uneasy with this trend and Aglir did little to appease them. Without the approval of the two senates, Aglir involved the League in the Salt War with Kaldor and when this war was lost in 673, Aglir’s enemies sought to discredit and depose him. Aglir responded by panning a military coup which failed only because he was assassinated by members of his own guard in 674. With his death, the office of Autarch was abolished and the Thardic Republic was formed.
The 6th month of the year by Tuzyn Reckoning, named after the god Agrik. Agrazhar is the last month of summer.
Agrik, the god diametrically opposed to Larani, is the reeder of war for its own sake. He is the principal deity of evil warrior who enjoy the dark side of war, rapine, pillage, cruelty and destruction. It is said that the pious adhering of Agrik will learn as many of the “Ten Thousand Ways” (of inflicting pain) as possible.
Agrik dwells in his great flame-shrouded fortress of Balgashang among his attendant V'hir. Somewhere within the castle is Ak-Syt, the dreaded chamber of torture. The fortress’ location is uncertain; some believe it to be the center of Kethira. Agrik usually appears to mortals as a great V'hir with two claws missing from his left hand, bearing Gashang, his flaming mace and Sycanus, his ichor-dripping sickle. His missing claws have caused him constant pain and anger since the goddess Larani severed them. Never forgetting this accent infinity, only the terms od the Concordant of the Illimitable Tome deter Agrik from seeking revenge. Some believe that he will eventually attempt to assassinate the goddess regardless of the consequences; there is certainly no love lost between the fighting-orders of the two deities.
The worship of Agrik is concentrated in the Thardic Republic and the Kingdom of Rethem but there are a few followers in Orbaal and elsewhere. In Kaldor, Kanday and Melderyn, it is a proscribed faith carrying the penalty of death by burning; this is ironic since Agrik is, more than any other deity, the god of fire. The ritual garb of Agrik’s clergy is predominately of orange and black. Human sacrifice is practiced, often in ritual combat with a champion of a fighting-order.
Seven clerical sects are devoted to the worship of Agrik; each sponsors its own fight-order. There are few dogmatic differences between the orders but they constantly squabble, often with fatal consequences for innocent bystanders. Although he has great difficulty maintaining his authority, the primate of Agrik for Hârn is traditionally the grandmaster of the Order of Mamaka the Master of Steel; his seat is located within that order’s compound in Golotha. The clerical orders and their sponsored fighting-orders(in brackets) are:
- Mamaka the Master (Warriors of Mamka)
- Kukshin (Crimson Dancer)
- Octagonal Pit (Demon Pameshlu the Insatiable)
- Herpa the Mace (Red Shadows of Serpa)
- Pillar of Fire (The Champions of Roving Doom)
- Eight Demons (Cohorts of Gashang)
- Fuming Gate (Company of the Copper Hook)
Additional information on these orders and fighting-orders may be found under their own headings.
The 5th king (307-342) of Kaldor.
The 7th ruler (362-377) of Kaldor. Aidrik II was clearly the legitimate successor when Maranos died. But the increase in roll power propagated by his predessecors caused many of the Karldoric barons to support the rival claim of Fierth. The Kaldoric Civil War was the result and Aidrik II was betrayed and captured in a battle near Kiban in 377. According to “popular” tradition, Aidrik and his family were roasted over an open fire by the usurper but his son, at least, survived to regain the throne in 406 (see: Restoration).
The 10th king of Kaldor (406-425). Prior to his capture by Fierth the Usurper in 377, Aidrik II made provisions for his heir’s safety by sending him to Chybisa “for his education”. The young man waited patiently, perhaps indulging in some intrigues. The excesses of Fierth the Usurper and of his son and successor Uthred outraged the Kaldoric barons, and with Uthred’s assassination in 406, young Aidrik was invited to resume his father’s throne. He took the title Aidrik III to symbolize the tradition and legitimacy of his rule while renaming his dynasty the House of Artane to symbolise a new start for his subjects. His reign was marked by conciliation and compromise; a profound relief to most of his barons.
The 11th monarch to govern Kaldor (425-451) and the second of the House of Artane. Aidrik IV furthered this father’s (Aidrik III) policy of reconciliation after the Restoration but also subtly reverted to the trend of increasing royal lower that had caused the Kaldoric Civil War. He was succeeded by his daughter Myselbane.
The sickly son of Queen Chelebin I, who lived to reign over Kaldor for only two years (516-518). Aidrik V was the kingdom’s fourteenth sovereign. He was succeeded by his younger sister Chelebin II.
A headland in Orbaal jutting into the Sea of Itikir.
A variety of Ivashu. The Aklash is a great, hulking, semi-intelligent creature, best known for its awesomely foul breath and complete lack of a neck. Ranging between six and eight feet in height, and weighing upwards of 300 lbs., the Aklash’s hairless body is covered by rolls of pale fat which are able to heal over with an alarming rapidity, making the Aklash very difficult to kill. Although possessed of great strength, its main weapon is its breath, which it is able to exhale with considerable power, causing profound nausea in most victims. The brain is located deep within the safety of its body, and the only significant exposed organs are the eyes, which are monochromatic and not very sensitive. With its huge, fanged mouth, the Aklash has a voracious, omnivorous appetite. aklash are generally found in groups of 2-6.
The “Torture Chamber of the Gods”, a domain of the god Agrik. Ak-Syt is, of course, not the torture chamber of all deities, since many of them dislike such practices. It is here that unspeakable demons practice the “ten thousand ways” on the hapless, unlamented dead. Located beneath the fortress of Balgashang, the name Ak-Syt is used as a synonym for “hell”.
The third largest island of the Afarezirs.
The fabled lost “city” of Daelda, king of Hârn, during the Condominium.
The founder and 1st monarch (316-371) of the Kingdom of Aleathia. Very little is known about Alash. He was a chieftain of the Aleta who unified them into a single tribe c.350, founded the city of Aleath and some six years later the Kingdom of Aleathia. It has been written that Alash was a “…gentle man, fond of things beautiful and harmonious…”, an assessment no doubt based on the heritage of Aleath but it is unlikely that such a man could have unified the Aleta or persuaded them to make them their king.
An island in the Afarezirs.
The third largest settlement of western Hârn and the largest in the Kingdom of Kanday, Aleath is called by its inhabitants the “City of Truth and White Virtue”. A seaport, at the mouth of the River Eryn, the city is somewhat isolated from the rest of Tharda, lying outside the plain of the Thard River. Aleath’s hinterland is only moderately fertile but still possesses a fairly dense population. Boatbuilding and fishing are significant. The townsfolk pride themselves on their high standards of architecture and civic cleanliness, although Aleath is outstanding only by medieval criteria. The streets are regularly patrolled and Aleath is regarded as one of the safest spots on Hârn. Aleathians tend to regard outsiders as morally bankrupt; they themselves are often deemed self-righteous, prudish snobs. The city is a freetown, governed under a royal charter, by a royally appointed lord mayor and aldermen; the king considers the advice of prominent citizens when making such appointments.
Aleath has a trouble past. The city as founded by Alash, a chieftain of the Aleta. in 356. For a century, the city prospered as the capital of the Kingdom of Alethia, its wealth second only to that of Coranan. In 453, the Kingdom was incorporated into the Corani Empire and Aleath continued to prosper. Its port was expanded, and a paved road, linking it with the north, was built.
The city became known throughout the empire as the “fairest city of man”. Between 551 and 559 the entire empire suffered a series of plagues and famines fostering the Balashan Jihad. With the fall of Coranan to the armies of the jihad in 565, Aleath, the only untaken city, decried itself a republic and gathered the surviving loyalists its bosom. This First Aleathian Republic lasted for seven years, until the city fell to the Balashans after a bitter three year siege in 572. Some Aleathians fled by sea, undertaking the Aleahtian Odyssey, and many others slew themselves, rather than witness the “Agony of Aleath”, the terrible bloodbath that was to follow the city’s fall.
The city reluctantly became part of the Theocracy of Tekhos, in 572, and suffered its share of religious purges and spectacles. During the Interregnum following the collapse of the Theorcracy in 588, Aleath suffered from the chaos, along with everyone else but gradually gathered power to establish a second republic in 612. Slowly extending the city’s benign influence over the nearby petty states, the republic hoped for a new liberal age but weakened by decades of war, Aleath’s strength was inadequate to the task. With rumors of barbarian invasions in the north, the Aleathian senate chose the least of several evils. In 633, the republic voted its crown to the ascendant king of Kanday, Andasin II, who granted Aleath a liberal charter recognizing its rights as a freetown within its kingdom. The following temples are to be found in Aleath:
- Halea (Order of the Silken Voice)
- Larani (Order of the Hyvirk)*
- Peoni (Order of the Balm Joy)
- Peoni (The Irreprochable Order)*
- Save-K’nor (The Hyn-Aelori)
- * Headquarters of the Order.
The city of Aleath has formed two republics during its history. The first lasted seven years (565-572) after the demise of the Corani Empire, ending with the city’s fall to the Theocracy of Tekhos. The second republic was formed in 612 to restore order during the Interregnum; it was abolished in 633 when it voted to join the Kingdom of Kanday.
A kingdom founded in 356 by Alash, chieftain of the Aleta tribe. After a 97-year existence, under five monarchs, Aleathia was incorporated into the Corani Empire in 453. Aleathia’s monarchs were:
The sea voyages of Aleathian fugitives from the Theocracy of Tekhos, (572-573). A month before the City of Aleath fell to the Tekhosians, 400 nobles, priests, soldiers, artisans, merchants and farmers, chosen by lot, and most children under the age of 12, boarded a motley fleet of some 50 ships and sailed eastward into the Gulf of Ederwyn, with the aim of founding a new Aleath. The expedition was organized over a period of several years by clan Melesen, originally immigrants from Melderyn. Written accounts of the Odyssey describe horrific weather and fanciful sea monsters. The foul weather of the Gulf broke the fleet into small flotillas; many vessels disappeared without trace. Legends about stray ships, have them founding colonies at various, likely and unlikely, spots. Fully half of those ships who set sail from Aleath were lost. The rest eventually managed to assemble at the island of Keboth where they were succoured by the the Sindarin. There (or possible before, the records are ambiguous) the refugees met with Genin, a mage of Melderyn, and under his guidance, they sailed through the Indatha Straits to found the city of Thay in 573.
The 2nd monarch (692-714) of the Kingdom of Orbaal.
The 3rd and current monarch of the Kingdom of Orbaal. Alegar came to the throne in 714 (six years ago), and is faced with a host of problems trying to govern his unstable kingdom, compounded by a recent threat from the “homeland” of Ivinia, which regards Orbaal to be a colony and seeks to be paid unspecified annual tribute.
A tribal nation inhabiting the southwest of Hârn some five hundred years ago. The Aleta were unified under the chieftanship of Alash, and this led to the foundation of the Kingdom of Aleathia in 356.
Located on the southern face of the central Jahl Mountains, into which it deeply burrows, Amekt is a Gargun (qv) abode and home to over 1,300 Gargu-kyani; one of the largest settlements of its kind on Hârn. In a position to threaten travel between Larkin, Leriel and Geldeheim, the Amekti show some restraint in their raiding. The surrounding countryside has numerous small bands of Gargu-kyani and Gargu-arak; most of the former are likely to be hunting parties from Amekt.
A rough, highland extension of the Sorkin Mountains lying between Horadir and the Plain of Thay. Anadel has no peaks over 6,000 feet (1,800 m) and is predominantly covered with mixed forest. Anadel isolates Thay from the rest of Hârn. Only one major road, the Genin Trail, bisects the region. Anadel is the range of the Bujoc nation.
(see Earthmasters)
The 1st monarch (589–627) of the Kingdom of Kanday. Andasin was the head of clan Kand, minor nobility of the Corani Empire, which achieved prominence after being outlawed by the Theocracy of Tekhos in 575. The clan established itself in exile in the Mimea Hills, harassed the forces of the government and sheltered other enemies of the state despite several attempts to exterminate them. When the Theocracy collapsed, Andasin captured the keep at Ibonost from its Tekhosian governor in 589, founding the Kingdom of Kanday. This was followed with the capture of Edino in 598 and Dyrisa in 620, an impressive castle, which is now the principal seat of Kandian kings. A devout follower of Larani, Andasin founded the Order of the Checkered Shield in 622, which subsequently captured Quivum, Heroth, Ewen, Zerien, and Imiden for the young kingdom. Around 624, Andasin began a sad decline into senility to die in 627.
The 2nd monarch (627-654) of the Kingdom of Kanday (qv). Andasin II was the grandson of Andasin I (qv), whose sons had all died in battle. He was a peaceful man who established a Kandian tradition of enlightened kingship. More prone to negotiation than war, Andasin II made many alliances with bordering petty states and convinced the Aleath Republic (qv) to join with Kanday as a freetown in 633. By the time he died in 654, Kanday was a strong vigourous kingdom and its gentle influence had spread throughout most of southwest Tharda.
The 5th monarch (676-690) of the Kingdom of Kanday (qv). Andasin III succeeded the childless Queen Arelora; his claim to the throne being somewhat tenuous. He was the son of Melise, who was the bastard daughter of Kubro, the second son of Andasin I. He soon found himself waging the desperate war with Rethem known as Ezar’s War (682-697). Andasin conducted the early war with skill but was killed in 690, personally leading the successful recapture of Hebon.
The 8th and current monarch of the Kingdom of Kanday (qv). See this entry for a biographical sketch.
A body of water lying to the west of Hârn, noted for sudden, frequent storms and generally bad weather.
The major peak 7,648 feet (2,331 m) of the central Rayesha Mountains.
The third-largest of the Hârnic isles, lies between the gulfs of Andurien and Ederwyn, and is seperated from the mainland by the Emaba Strait. The western margins are heathland, while the rest is mixed forest and woodland; there are no permanent settlements, but there is some cropland and pasture created by the indigenous Adaenum (qv).
The goddess Larani’s legendary blood-red mail.
A short, swift river flowing from Lake Direna in the Felsha Mountains to Lake Benath.
A site of Earthmaster origin, at the northern end of Direna Lake in the Felsha Mountains. The site’s environs are quite heavily forested but the visible structures seem well preserved. Lothrim the Foulspawner probably visited the site in his quest for the Penultimate Tome and other Earthmaster artifacts. There are extensive, unexplored (?) passages beneath. A village to the west, Haruch, is linked to the site by an extensive network of game-trails. The village's inhabitants, the Mendar Haruchi tribe, claim descent from the servants (?) of Anisha’s original inhabitants, who were, according to their legends, godlike in their abilities. Hence, they consider the ruins sacred and believe it their duty to preserve and protect them for their masters' anticipated return. Highly superstitious, the Mendar do not themselves practice magic beyond a little folk-medicine. The village subsists on hunting and lake fishing and has a population of just over 200.
The tribal, human nation inhabiting the fringes of eastern Orbaal and the northern portion of Nuthela. The Anoa are descended from Jarin peoples but have interbred with other folk. The Anoa are nomadic, subsisting on hunting, gathering and robbing the Orbaalese. Since they are often the object of punative expeditions from Larkin and Leriel and since their neighbours are mainly Gargun, they build no permanent settlements. The Anoa trade the region’s abundant furs for various “civilised” implements when possible. They supplement their diets with fish from the Anoth River system. There are several dozen tribes, whose numbers rarely exceed a hundred.
A marshland, with more than a score of islands, at the mouth of the Anoth River. The vegetation is mixed woodland. The delta is a base of operations for Esobran, a wrecker, brigand, and erstwhile pirate. His band is mostly of Jarin extraction and ranges in number from several hundred (when times are bad) to less than a dozen (when times are good). Esobran preys mostly on Ivinian ships and settlements.
A river fed by the glaciers of Mount Obew, flowing generally north and east to empty through the Anoth Delta into the Sea of Ivae. The Anoth is considered the border between Orbaal and Nuthela; its broad alluvial plain is richly endowed with mixed forest. There are no bridges on the river but it is often fordable below its confluence with the Etece.
A hilly prominence on Hârn’s northeast coast jutting into the Sea of Ivae. Somewhere in the vicinity there are said to be a pool and hot springs (possibly subterranean) of miraculous healing virtue. Unfortunately for those who would avail themselves, the springs have a guardian, called the Riddlemaster. It is the wont of this entity to challenge intruders with the words “riddle thee thrice”; those who can solve any of the three conundrums the Riddlemaster will pose are permitted to bathe, but depart under a geas never to reveal the Riddlemaster’s secrets, including that of his appearance. The fate of those with whom the master finds fault is unknown.
The domain of clan Fyrdael in Orbaal, paying tribute to Marby.
This Guild has a monopoly over the growing, gathering, mixing, buying and selling of herbs, medicines, potions, and the like. Many Apothecaries limit their practices to the buying, preperation and selling of wares in a shop, obtaining the essential herbs and ingredients from guild journeymen or other gatherers. Apothecaries do a lot of business with physicians, who are not (technically) permitted to concoct their own medicines. They also supply some members of the Guild of Arcane Lore with materiel.
Common Herbs 3d/oz | Potions and Medicines |
Uncommon Herbs 12d/oz | Herb Prices x 5 |
Rare Herbs 60d/oz |
Apothecaries will buy raw herbs for about one third of their selling price.
The twelfth king of Melderyn(440–463) and the thirteenth ruler of Chybisa (440–463). Arabar I was the fourth king of the Rylian Dynasty. In accordance with the tradition already in place in Melderyn, he tended to leave most of the governing to his councillors and vassals. Almost nothing is known of the man personally.
The fourteenth ruler (475–538) of the Kingdom of Melderyn. Despite his bastardy, Arabar was chosen by the succession council to succeed his father Erebir V under the kingdom’s vague laws of succession. The nobility of the former kingdom of Chybisa, however, declared that they were outraged at such a travesty and promptly seceded, electing king Sharat I to govern them. Arabar does not seem to have been particularly abashed at this profound insult. After issuing a proclamation denying Chybisa’s right to secede, he ignored the matter entirely and got back to the business of quiet, efficient government of Melderyn.
Hârn’s third largest body of fresh water is located in the heart of the Sorkin Mountains and is both fed and emptied by the River Nephen. Rich in minerals and often mirrorlike in its tranquility, Arain has spiritual significance to the Khuzdul. Of late, several unverified sitings have been made of a serpentine creature cavorting in the moonlight. Surrounded by high mountain peaks, Arain ranks as one of the fairest wonders of Hârn.
Also called the “Pits of Ilvir’, or “Ilvir’s Shaft”, Araka- Kalai is located in Misyn. Ilvir (qv) resides here, the only major deity to live on Hârn. Beneath his crumbling tower, in dank, endless caverns, the “Accursed Lord of the Barren Cycle” spawns his “fatherless multitude” (See: Ivashu). A traveller approaching Araka-Kalai is likely to first detect its proximity with his nose; the pits have a stench which puts to shame all other maloderous humours.
The current ruling dynasty of the Kingdom of Rethem, founded by Puril (qv) in 681, and currently headed by King Chafin III. The House of Araku replaced the house founded by Arlun the Barbarian in 635 and known as the Kuboran Dynasty. Given the nature of Rethemi politics, lengthy ruling dynasties are unlikely.
The present king of the Sindarin, Aranath has reigned since King Daelda received his mortal wound at the Battle of Sorrows c.683 BT. One reason that Aranath (Daelda’s nephew) was selected was that many of Daelda’s kin had fallen while fighting the barbarians and most others chose to leave Hârn for the Blessed Realm. One of Aranath’s first acts was to renounce his sovereignty over all of Hârn. He withdrew his folk to the Shava Forest, where they established the Kingdom of Evael. For 1,400 years, Aranath’s wisdom and powers of enchantment have kept his folk and his kingdom safe.
An island off the west coast of Orbaal.
The domain of clan Cyeen in Orbaal, paying tribute to King Alegar II in Geldeheim. The keeps at Pjagel, Wethom, and Vold, pay tribute to Arathel.
This is more a loose professional association than a guild; the only entrance requirement is a demonstrable personal talent in magic, alchemy or one of the other arcane arts. There are numerous secret societies and orders whose members practice the hidden arts; the Guild of Arcane Lore is simply an organization through which some practicioners of the esoteric arts, choose to occasionally represent themselves to the outside world. The guild grants no franchises and there is no fixed structure. There may be apprentices and journeymen but such is at the discretion of individual masters. While individual masters may enter the employ of outsiders, the guild will sell no contracts; members may come and go as they please. In general, those who practise the hidden arts are far too involved in their studies to take notice of others’ “trivial” pursuits. This is a weak guild with some very powerful members.
The fourth largest of the Afarezirs.
The fourth monarch (659–676) of the Kingdom of Kanday. Queen Arelora is best remembered as the “warrior queen.” During the Five-Year War with the Thardic League, she assumed command of the Kandian army after its defeat at the Battle of the Teb Marshes in 663. Bedecked in silver armour and with stirring speeches to her demoralized troops, the 52-year-old queen led her army to victory at the Battle of Eidru in 665 and captured Kuseme Castle for Kanday. Some say she would have conquered Coranan itself but for the barrier of the Thard River. Arelora’s victories and charisma forced the League to sue for peace, ending the war in Kanday’s favor in 666. Arelora, the widow of the former King Ashenan, died childless in 676, succeeded by Andasin III.
One of the Althar, the chief servants of Save-K’nor, Argenon is the Lord of Enigmas, a creator and solver of riddles. The Riddlemaster of Anrist Point may be one of his numerous
An ancient tribe who lived in the region around Dyrisa. Dyrisa was a holy place to the Ariathe, and more than 80 chieftains are buried in barrows there. Considerable plundering has taken place, but it is now illegal to desecrate the site.
- Realm: Rethem
- Holder: Companions of Roving Doom
- Population: 460
- Liege: King of Rethem
Arketh was built in 604 on the site of a ruined Corani Empire fortress by the Companions of Roving Doom, perhaps the most violent of the Agrikan fighting orders. Although their sponsoring clerical order, the [[Pillar of Fire]], has been largely exterminated because of internal conflict in the Church, the Companions remain powerful and active in Rethemi affairs. The grandmaster, Bremel of Kawaran, a staunch loyalist of Chafin III, rules the fief with conspicuous brutality.
The founder and 1st monarch (635-656) of the Kingdom of Rethem (qv). Around 625, the Kubora nation of Peran, some 90 tribes, were united under Arlun, a chieftain of great personal charisma and skill at arms. Convinced of a higher destiny, Arlun trained his followers in the arts of war, and prepared to invade and conquer the south, then in chaos during the Interregnum (qv). Arlun’s hordes swept down into Rethem in 629, and after six years of brilliant strategy and manoeuvre, succeeded in conquering all of this region, including the city of Golotha. He then founded the Kingdom of Rethem in 635, using Shostim as his capital. Until his death in 656, Arlun sought to further expand his empire but found that resistance from Kanday and the Thardic League, could not be overcome. At its peak, Arlun’s kingdom was second only to the Corani Empire in size; it was, however, drastically reduced when Arlun was succeeded by men of much less capabilities.
The domain of clan Hulthard in Orbaal, paying tribute to Lorkin. Arone offers cheap refuge to mariners and is believed to have covert dealings with local pirates (see: Anoth).
The 5th monarch (366-380) of the Corani Empire. Some say Mejenes the Great (qv) was the greatest military leader Hârn has ever produced; others say it was Arosta the Conquerer. Both were very successful military leaders. Arosta succeeded his father, Raelan, who was killed at the Battle of Klondis in 366. The Corani Empire might have perished then, for Raelan not only got himself killed but also lost most of the Corani army in the mountains of Hefiosa. Led by Adjak, the tribes of Hefiosa, advanced on Coranan but wasted time looting, which gave Arosta sufficient time to raise and train a new army. In a series of brilliant campaigns, Arosta first defeated the Hefiosa tribes between 366-369, and then defeated the Shira, Kom and Merdi tribes over the next ten years. When Arosta died in 380, planning to conquer the Kingdom of Aleathia in the southwest, he left to his heir, a kingdom which had more than tripled in size and which ruled most of Tharda.
the domain of clan Atejaal in Orbaal, paying tribute to Marby.
The third monarch (654–659) of the Kingdom of Kanday. Ashenan succeeded his brother, Andasin II, but died after only five years on the throne. Little can be said about him other than he had the good sense to marry Arelora, who became Kanday’s first queen on his death.
Any of a variety of minor ethereal spirit entities whose elemental base is air. The Asiri are believed to exist all over Hârn, where they secret themselves in various objects. They possess diverse powers (usually minor) and can be mischievous or downright troublesome. Most Asiri can only be detected with psionic or magical powers. They are similar to the Elmithri.
The Sindarin name for the Lythian barbarian conquest of Hârn (900– 683 BT). The wars began as minor raids but gradually increased as the Lythians settled on Hârn with a view to conquest. The Atani Wars ended with the Battle of Sorrows in 683 BT, in which the Sindarin defeated the barbarians. However, the elven king, Daelda, suffered a mortal wound. As a result, Daelda’s successor, Aranath, withdrew his folk to the Shava Forest, abandoned his Khuzdul and Jarin allies, and renounced his kingship over Hârn. This act allowed the Lythian barbarians to recover from their defeat and complete their conquest of Hârn.
A Keep in Vemionshire in the Kingdom of Káldôr, the site of the Shire Moot, held for the King by the Sheriff of Vemion.
A region of generally rough terrain between Lake Benath and the Gulf of Chakro. As the principal corridor between eastern and western Hârn, the region is of strategic importance. Athul is sparsely populated by the Tulwyn Nation, a polite but mercenary collection of ruthless brigands. It is theoretically part of Ramala Province (qv) in the Thardic Republic (qv) but control is slight and the Ramala Legion is constantly skirmishing with the natives.
The legendary sword of the goddess Larani, also known as “Herald of the End of Life” and “Oathbinder.”
A royal keep in the Kingdom of Kanday. This is the the shire moot of Selionshire (qv); the Sheriff of Selion resides here.
The mountain fastness, city and kingdom of King Hazmadul of the Hârnic Khuzdul, located at the northern end of Lake Arain in the Sorkin Mountains. As is the custom with dwarven domiciles, Azadmere is mostly underground, although there are croplands/pastures nearby. Azadmere imports some of its food from Kaldor in exchange for cunningly wrought artifacts. Hazmadul is owed fealty and tribute, in the form of foodstuffs, by the Baron of Habe (a nearby human keep). The kingdom also includes the “castle” at Zerhun, whose constable is, traditionally, the crown King. The Kuzan Kings for the last 13 centuries have been:
- Hazmadul I (456–361) BT
- Harazul I (361–361)
- Karasat (208–164)
- Dhazalad (164–73)
- Zarhul (73–47)
- Ohin (47–12) TR
- Harazul II (12–37)
- Tarthin (37–155)
- Karinazul (155–257)
- Hazmadul II (257–390)
- Dunazak (390–524)
- Lharzin (524–547)
- Erasath (547–658)
- Hazmadul III (658– )
The 7th month of the year by Tuzyn Reckoning (qv); named after the Azure Bowl, a symbol of the god Siem. Azura is the first month of Autumn.
A highly mystical symbol of the god Siem and of his religion. Sindarin legends, old even when they first reached Hârn, describe the artifact as being connected with “the making, the holding, and the very spilling forth of the stars.” If the original Azure Bowl ever existed, no mortal has ever seen it. There have been several facsimiles constructed and it is these to which most now apply the term. Although many Azure Bowls are undoubtedly the work of charlatans and of only aesthetic interest, others are authentic “gazing bowls.” If one of these is filled with clear water (any special requirements are ambiguous), “visions” are apt to occur while gazing within. However, the spiritual fiber of the gazer, and possibly that of observers, may be altered. In view of the connection with Siem, such changes are probably benign.