Federation Item Identification Guide

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The Federal Item Identification Guide (FIIG) is a self-contained system for the collection, coding, transmittal, and retrieval of item characteristics and related supply management data for an item of supply for logistical use. This FIIG is used to describe item characteristics in a standardized manner. When used with the Item Name Code (INC) and the Federation Stock Number (FSN), basic definitions of an item of supply can be identified and communicated.


GENERAL INFORMATION[edit | edit source]

1. Purpose and Scope[edit | edit source]

This Federal Item Identification Guide (FIIG) is a self-contained document for the collection, coding, transmittal, and retrieval of item characteristics and related supply management data for an item of supply for logistical use. This FIIG is to be used to describe items of supply identified by the index of approved item names appearing in this section.

2. Contents[edit | edit source]

This FIIG is comprised of the following:

  • Index of Approved Item Names Covered by this FIIG
  • Applicability Key Index
  • Section I - Item Characteristics Data Requirements
  • Section III - New text that should be here.
  • Appendix A - Reply Tables
  • Appendix B - Reference Drawing Groups (as applicable)
  • Appendix C - Technical Data Tables (as applicable)

a. Index of Approved Item Names Covered by this FIIG[edit | edit source]

The index lists the approved item names with definitions and item name codes as they appear in Cataloging Handbook H6, applicable to this FIIG. In addition, each name entry is assigned an applicability key for use in relating the characteristics requirements in Section I to the specific item name.

b. Applicability Key Index:[edit | edit source]

The purpose of this index is to provide the user with a ready reference for determining the specific requirements which are applicable to a given approved item name. This index lists all requirements in sequence as they appear in the FIIG. The applicability of a Master Requirement Coded requirement is indicated by the column headed by the specific item name applicability key as follows:

(1) The letter "X" indicates the requirement must be answered for a full descriptive item.
(2) The letters "AR" indicate the requirement is to be answered as required by (1) instructional notes within the FIIG; (2) when the reply is predicated on replies to a related main requirement; or (3) when an asterisk (*) is used in conjunction with the applicability key column in Section I.
(3) A blank in the column indicates the requirement is not applicable to the specific item name.

c. Section I - Item Characteristics Data Requirements:[edit | edit source]

This section contains the physical and performance characteristics requirements needed to describe and identify an item of supply. These characteristics differentiate one item from all other items of supply and are to be used to meet the needs of all supported functions. This section is arranged in columns. Identification of each column and instructions pertinent thereto are as follows:

(1) Applicability Key:[edit | edit source]

The first column shows the applicability key(s) for each requirement. It indicates whether the requirement need be satisfied for the item being identified. "ALL" indicates that the requirement must be answered for all items covered by the FIIG. One or more alphabetic character(s) or group of one or more alphabetic characters indicates a response is required when describing items with an approved item name or names represented by the key(s). An asterisk (*) used in conjunction with any applicability key indicates that the characteristic stated in the requirement may not be applicable to all items covered by the FIIG.

(2) Master Requirement Codes (MRC):[edit | edit source]

A four-position code which is assigned to a FIIG requirement for identification of the requirement, cross-referencing requirements in the various sections and appendices of the FIIG, and for mechanized processing and retrieval of FIIG generated data. Absence of a MRC for a requirement indicates a lead-in to requirements with individual MRCs in Appendix B.

(a) The coding technique for providing MULTIPLE/OPTIONAL responses will not be used for a Section I requirement assigned Mode Code A or L that leads to Appendix B sketches with dimensional requirements.
(b) Identified Secondary Address Coding:
This technique is for extending the Master Requirement Code so that a unique address is provided for each application of the requirement in relation to the item and is authorized only as instructed within the requirement. Responses coded through this technique will always consist of the following: (1) Master Requirement Codes, (2) indicator code (a single numeric character determined by the number of positions contained), (3) identified secondary address code (1 to 3-digit alphabetic codes determined by the number of predicted replies), (4) the mode code, (5) the reply code and/or clear text response, and (6) end with a record separator (*). Steps (1) through (6) are repeated for each application of the requirement.
(c) AND/OR coding:
A technique for extending the Master Requirement Code to provide a distinctive address for multiple responses to the same requirement. Responses coded through this technique will always consist of (1) Master Requirement Code, (2) mode code, (3) the response or reply code (as instructed by the requirement), (4) a single dollar sign ($) for an OR condition, or a double dollar sign ($$) for an AND condition, (5) the mode code, (6) the response or reply code (followed by conditions (4) through (6) for each of the multiple responses) and (7) end with a record separator (*). NOTE: Apply this technique only when instructed by the requirement sample reply (e.g.).

(3) Mode Code:[edit | edit source]

A one-position alphabetic code that specifies the manner in which a response will be prepared. Each requirement assigned a MRC is also assigned a mode code. Sample replies follow each FIIG requirement displaying the proper construction of a response for the assigned mode code. The response to a requirement will always be prepared in accordance with the assigned mode code and sample reply except in the following instances:

(a) Use of E Mode Code replies is not authorized. If a reply needed to describe an item is not listed in the applicable table, contact the FIIG Initiator.
(b) Mode Code K may not be used for any requirement unless instructed by the requirement instructions.

(4) Requirement:[edit | edit source]

This portion includes the characteristics data elements and data use identifiers required to identify and differentiate one item of supply from another, narrative definitions, and explanations as to use and method of expression. Instructions for coding and preparing replies are also provided.

(5) Reply Code:[edit | edit source]

A code that represents an established authorized reply to a requirement.

d. Section III[edit | edit source]

- Supplementary Technical and Supply Management Data: This section includes those characteristics requirements necessary to support specific logistics functions other than National Stock Number assignment.

e. Appendix A - Reply Tables:[edit | edit source]

Tables of authorized replies to requirements and reply codes when the tables are too lengthy for inclusion in Section I/III, when applicable.

f. Appendix B - Reference Drawings:[edit | edit source]

This appendix contains representative illustrations which portray specific variations of one or more generic characteristics. If reference drawings contain requirements pages to be used in conjunction with illustrations for dimensioning purposes, the requirements pages will contain Master Requirement Codes, mode codes, and a statement of the requirement. A response to requirements on a requirements page is necessary only for those Master Requirement Codes applicable to the illustration selected.

g. Appendix C - Technical Data Tables:[edit | edit source]

This appendix contains conversion charts and similar data pertinent to the requirements in Section I/III, when applicable.

3.[edit | edit source]

Enter administrative MRC CLQL immediately following the last FIIG requirement reply, as instructed below: MRC Mode Code Requirement Example CLQL G COLLOQUIAL NAME (common usage name by which an item is known) CLQLGWOVEN WIRE CLOTH*

4. Special Instructions and Indicator Definitions[edit | edit source]

a. Measurements: Unless otherwise indicated within a requirement example, enter all measurements in decimal form, carried to the nearest three decimal places, with a minimum of one digit preceding the decimal. For SI (metric), enter all measurements with a minimum of one digit before and after the decimal. For fraction to decimal conversion, see Appendix C. b. Indicators: A cross hatch (#) following an AIN, MRC, Reply Code or Drawing Number indicates for "ALL EXCEPT USA" use only.

5. Indexes[edit | edit source]

a. Index of Data Requirements This index is arranged in alphabetic sequence by Master Requirement Code, cross-referenced to the applicable data requirement and page number(s). b. Index of Approved Item Names This index is arranged in alphabetic sequence referenced to Applicability Key. c. Applicability Key Index This index is arranged in Applicability Key Sequence.

6. Maintenance[edit | edit source]

Requests for revisions and other changes will be directed to: