Emesa Hundred/1st Edition/8

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CHANDLER (Harvel of Yuropild)
Size: 3Quality: ★★★Prices: High

Master Harvel has opened up trade with his brother chandler in Tormau and is clearly a ‘man on the rise’. His attractive young wife, though, is a spendthrift spending his money as fast as he can earn it.

BREWER (Jinni of Diblin)
Size: 4Quality: ★★★Prices: Low

Ginnis brews a rich dark, and affordable, ale as well as premium perry and cider for more affluent tables. She is considering the purchase of land being cleared on the west bank of Emesa Stream where she would plant orchards of her own. Until then he relies on the rich harvest of the coastal manors.

WOODCRAFTER (Enald of Wormel)
Size: 5Quality: ★★★Prices: Average

Enald and his wife rely on their son, Tharthil for most of the work these days. They were old when he was born as a ‘late gift from Heneryne’. Enald increasingly spends his time carving offcuts into toys for the town’s children.

SCRIBE (Ulwin of Kandria)
Size: 1Quality: ★★★Prices: Average

As one of the few literate men in Emesa Ulwin is kept busy writing letters and contracts for tradesmen and guildsmen. The injury to the Chapter’s priest means he even undertakes certain tasks for Telmen Meran. Though he is easy to talk to he is reticent about making strong friendships preferring to keep a distance from others. This is part of his training as one of the Akhularai, the ‘Silent Ones’ trained by the Order of Mamaka the Master of Steel to seek out heresy and disloyalty. The Warriors do not know of his presence and the Akarata would be unhappy to hear that the church would seek heresy so close to the heart of his order.

LABOURER (Bronar of Edremet)
Size: 2

Bronar is an attractive widow and mother of two young children who supplements what she can earn from her labour in the fields by welcoming anyone with a penny to spend into her bed. While the wives of the Emesa look down on her a local male wit claims she ‘just can’t let go of the Harpy!’.

THE HORNBLOWER (Buthrand of Zaras)
Size: 4

In ancient times the legionary garrison set the watch with the blowing of a horn. When the Empire withdrew the retired legionaries who stayed behind were entrusted with the horn. Every evening at dusk it was sounded at the cardinal compass points around the monument to the survivors of the last expedition of Emperor Mejenes [b].

When the Warriors arrived the Hornblower was executed and the horn confiscated. A series of inexplicable accidents befell members of the order and there were whispers of a ghostly legionary stalking the shadows. When several men went down with a debilitating disease the Akarata thought it best to appease the legionary spirits who had, after all, honoured the Order of Khamar. He appointed an injured laumak as Hornblower, reinstated the practice, and the watch has continued to be set every night since.

Buthrand became Hornblower after losing his foot on the Scarlet Ribbon. As well as setting the watch he acts as Emesa’s Beadle carrying out the punishments decreed by the bailiff. He is an inveterate, and long-winded, gossip and raconteur always keen to tell anyone who will listen the history of his post. Strangely he is respected by the locals as even when he is required to punish them there is no malice in the man who endeavours to be even handed. He is sometimes asked for advice or to intercede with the Telmen on behalf of the commoners.


The monthly market is centred on the open sided market hall built on the foundations of a lost legionary structure. The Common around it is alive with people and tents during the Beast Fair when the population explodes to include commoners from across the hundred, traders returning from Kustan, craftsmen travelling from the Festival of the Pillars at Bedenes, priests of the Demon Pameshlu seeking beasts for their arenas and mercantylers and entertainers from far and wide and. Though many Warriors also attend they are ordered to resist acts of outright brutality; many succeed, others … weaken.


During the Beast Fair visiting officers of the Warriors, along with the priests of the order of Mamaka, are accommodated at the manor. Displaced laumak, and the additional Warriors sent to Emesa to police the increased population are billeted here. The stone foundations are used to create temporary, tented, barracks where once legionary buildings stood.

HAMLET OF INDON (Saery of Indon)
Size: 32

Old Saery was one of the few free farmers to survive the arrival of the Warriors. Though increasingly frail and reliant on his sons and the cottars he exploits he remains a cunning old fox. He has navigated his way to a position of trust by passing hints of any disloyalty to Atar Dyriansin, the manor steward. He did just the same for Atar’s predecessor, though in those days when justice seemed swifter. His rewards were usually swifter too; he benefitted when the disloyal were forced off their land. Atar is always grateful and confides that he prefers not to punish those Saery informs on until ‘we can find the roots of this disloyalty’. To keep the old man sweet Atar has recently confirmed a grant of 15 acres on the Dasath raod to Saery’s eldest grandson.