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Background information[edit | edit source]

The name of this species comes from FASA's Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update. While strictly a non-canon source, it is the only widely recognized source for names of most of the Star Trek IV aliens.

According to that source, the Ariolo had centaur-like torsos. They were also described as a hedonistic race who are reputed to be the best musicians in the galaxy. They are the only race known to the Federation that has no concept of time.

Their homeworld was called Fillandia, a tidally locked planet that was plagued by earthquakes and volcanoes. It was described as a large, humid world, dominated by tropical forests and mountain ranges.

The Ariolo were mentioned on an plaque affixed to a specimen tank found in the mirror universe's Paul Stamets laboratory aboard the ISS Charon. The tank contained bone tissue samples from this terrestrial species. [1]

External link[edit | edit source]