Aralius (constellation)
Aralius, the Wands is the second constellation (Peonu 4th–Kelen 2nd) of the Kethiran zodiac, located in the northern sky.
The second and central sign of spring and earth, the wands are portrayed with leaves sprouting from their severed lengths, symbolic of the quiet tenacity of life. The symbolism is more pure than that of Ulandus, more the essence of growth than its effect and corollaries.
Aralius’ secret is the hidden life within, the potential of all things to nourish in life and in death. Aralians generally display a vibrant zest for life but recognize that death is a part of it. This may not be apparent to outsiders. Aralians also have an affinity with nature, of which they are harmonious parts. Aralians often center their lives on the family and strive for future generations. They may perceive their children to be manifestations of themselves, a key to personal identity and immortality, and windows on eternity.
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- Hârndex (1st ed.). Columbia Games: 5002-Hârndex. 1983. p. 5.
- Hârndex (3rd ed.). Columbia Games: 5002-Hârndex. 2004. pp. 9–10.
- HârnPlayer: A Player’s Guide to HârnWorld. Columbia Games: 4201-HârnPlayer. 1994. pp. 76–77.