Anisha [H5] is a site of Earthmaster origin, at the northern end of Direna Lake in the Felsha Mountains. The site’s environs are quite heavily forested but the visible structures seem well preserved. Lothrim the Foulspawner probably visited the site in his quest for the Penultimate Tome and other Earthmaster artifacts. There are extensive, unexplored (?) passages beneath.
A village to the west, Haruch, is linked to the site by an extensive network of game-trails. The village's inhabitants, the Mendar Haruchi tribe, claim descent from the servants (?) of Anisha’s original inhabitants, who were, according to their legends, godlike in their abilities. Hence, they consider the ruins sacred and believe it their duty to preserve and protect them for their masters' anticipated return. Highly superstitious, the Mendar do not themselves practice magic beyond a little folk-medicine. The village subsists on hunting and lake fishing and has a population of just over 200.
The site is mentioned in the “Song of Elthiron.”
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- Hârndex (1st ed.). Columbia Games: 5002-Hârndex. 1983. p. 4.
- Hârndex (3rd ed.). Columbia Games: 5002-Hârndex. 2004. p. 8.
- HârnPlayer: A Player’s Guide to HârnWorld. Columbia Games: 4201-HârnPlayer. 1994. pp. 69, 76.