Aidrik III of Kaldor

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Aidrik III of Kaldor was the tenth king of Kaldor (406-425 TR). Prior to his capture by Fierth the Usurper in 377, Aidrik II made provisions for his heir’s safety by sending him to Chybisa “for his education”. The young man waited patiently, perhaps indulging in some intrigues. The excess of Fierth the Usurper and of his son and successor Uthred outraged the Kaldoric barons, and with Uthred’s assassination in 406, young Aidrik was invited to resume his father’s throne. He took the title Aidrik III to symbolize the tradition and legitimacy of his rule while renaming his dynasty the House of Artane to symbolize a new start for his subjects. His reign was marked by conciliation and compromise; a profound relief to most of his barons.

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