Ahnu (constellation)

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Ahnu, the Fire-Dragon is the fourth constellation (Nolus 4th–Larane 4th) of the Kethiran zodiac, Ahnu is located in the northern sky.

The dragon symbolizes the cleansing destruction of fire. What the smith brings forth, Ahnu destroys. This is not necessarily wanton destruction, for Ahnu cleans and prepares the world for renewal, an ordeal that purifies, that destroys the unworthy and the superfluous, and makes room for the new.

Those born under Ahnu are perfectionists, which is both a strength and a weakness. They dislike and cannot find room for fault. Ahnuans tend to be intolerant and impatient; they have quick and violent tempers. They are slow to praise, quick to criticize. They are not fond of the conservative or the old and solid, but tend towards experiment and progress. Often they are radical revolutionaries prone to purge rather than correct.

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