Westworld, Season 2, Episode 1, Scene 1

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Arnold and Dolores have a conversation about dreams.

Dialog[edit | edit source]


ARNOLD: I'm sorry, Dolores, I was lost in thought.

DOLORES: We were just talkin'.

ARNOLD: What were we talking about?

DOLORES: You were tellin' me about a dream.


ARNOLD: Yeah, I guess. I dreamt I was on an ocean... with you and the others on a distant shore.

DOLORES: Were you with us?

ARNOLD: No. You'd left me behind. And... the waters were... rising around me.

DOLORES: What's it mean?

ARNOLD: Dreams don't mean anything, Dolores. They're just noise. They're not real.

DOLORES: What is real?

ARNOLD: That which is... irreplaceable. That answer doesn't seem to satisfy you.

DOLORES: Because it's not completely honest.


ARNOLD: You, uh... you... frighten me sometimes, Dolores.


DOLORES: Why on earth would you ever be frightened of me?

ARNOLD: Not of who you are now, but you're... you're growing, learning, so quickly. I'm frightened of what you might become... what path you might take.


Read more at: https://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=738&t=31973&sid=58f81ed734d3f26b39b5223a49ec6cc9