Song of Elthiron

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Anisha lies somewhere in the high Felsha Mountains, said to be an Earthmaster site of grand design and magnificent construction. Anisha was first discovered by the Sindarin, who avoided it as much as they could. The Song of Elthirion, which tells of an elf’s experience with Anisha, is one of a few dozen Sindarin poems to pass into human tradition and is known throughout Hârn.

The Song of Elthirion
Elthirion, O wretched youth,
Thou, touched by tragic pain,
All joy in Harn were lost to you,
Thy roots to seek again.
Thy lover slain, the fair Rynel
Lost, on your nuptial eve,
And vengeance hollow proved, anon
The more to make thee grieve
Wide lands thou roamed. Thou slew the beast
That rent thy snowy maid.
And more thou slew of beast’s foul kind
And all that spawn unmade.
But frost hath settled on thy soul
Thy elven light be quelled;
Thy grieving cythth might soothe thee not
When vengeance seems compelled.
Thou weapons made, and more had wrought.
Thy kin thou left to walk
Where none could touch thy heart again
But fish and hind and hawk.
Thou mad’st thy fated, dour way
To Hârn’s most secret heart,
Where, in those stark and aged peaks,
Anisha lay, apart.
By power of word, thou entrance made
And sought what thou might see
Enchanted arms thou laid aside
And none thou took with thee.
Then songs thou made of love's requite
And sang a mighty spell,
To cast thy soul through gate to seek
Thy other-worldly Hell.

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