Hârnview/1st Edition/7

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HÂRNVIEW - Cultures

The Cultural-Political Map[edit | edit source]

The Cultural- J:>olitical map shows the general locations of the various nations of Harn. Every entry on the map is described in Harndex. This map is also used in the hazard generation procedure to determine the type of entities encountered as "locals".

Unique Cultures[edit | edit source]

Only two such unique "cultures" are indicated, the lvashu of Misyn and the llme of llmen Marsh; each is described in Ha rndex.

Gargun Nations[edit | edit source]

Gargun is the name for Harn's Orcs. To gain a general understanding of Gargun culture, see: GARGUN [hx]. The Uargun live mainly in the mountains of Harn, either in cave- complexes or as wandering nomadic bands. Each Uargun culture is described in Harndex. Harn may have as many as 50,000 Gargun.

Uncivilized Human Nations[edit | edit source]

Harn contains almost a score of barbarian nations. For the most part, they are of the same racial stock as the civilized human cultures, but for one reason or another have remained barbaric, or at best, semicivilized. These tribal nations are generally nomadic and do not practice more than rudimentary agriculture. They are generally divided into several dozen tribes of 60-240 persons; the more advanced their culture, the larger their tribes.

Civilized Demi-Human Cultures[edit | edit source]

The two detni-human civilized cultures of Harn are, the Khuzdul (dwarves) of Azadmere and the Sindari11 (elves) of Evael/the ~hava Forest. Each is fully covered in Harndex. There are less than 5,000 of either race on Harn.

Civilized Human Cultures[edit | edit source]

There are seven civilized Human cultures on Harn. They are listed below and covered in d etail in Harndex. Five of these states are feudal (see: FEUDALISM in Harndex), one is pre-feudal (Orbaal) and the other is a plutocratic state (Thardic ltepublic). Although no formal census has ever been undertaken there are a total of approximately 670,000 humans liviJ1g in these states.

Kingdom of Kanday[edit | edit source]

A feudal kingdom in southwest Harn ruled by King Andasin IV from his seat at Dyrisa. Kanday has a tradition of enlightened government and has tried to maintain peace but circumstances have involved the kingdom in three major wars over the past 60 years. The liberal imperial policies of Kanday are, in fact, in direct conflict with the Kingdotil of ltethem to the northwest and the Thardic ltepublic to the northest; further bloodshed seems inevitable. Kanday has a population of 96,000. The City of Aleath, a chartered freetown, is the largest settlement.

Kingdom of Rethem[edit | edit source]

A feudal kingdom in western llarn, ruled by King Chafin III from his seat in Shostim . Rethent has a violent history and a tradition of intrigue and assassination; it is llarn's most unstable, treacherous, and dangerous state. The kings of Rethem have never enjoyed popular support but many believe that Chafin Ill, a man of considerable ambition and competence, will unite his subjects and provoke another war with hated Kanday. Rethem has a population of about 95,000. The largest settlement is the city of Uolotha, nominally a chartered freetown, but in reality an urban blight ruled by a theocratic and repressive council.

Thardic Republic[edit | edit source]

A plutocratic democracy, misgoverned by a republican senate from the City of Coranan. Although the Thardic Republic is not particularly feudal, the senate is controlled by some seventy wealthy patrician families, who own ninty percent of the land. There are just under 104,000 inhabitants and the capital, Coranan, is Harn's largest city. Among the numerous factions, which between them are able to paralyse most of the organs of government, is an imperialist "party" that intrigues towards a revival of the once mighty Corani Empire.

Kingdom of Melderyn[edit | edit source]

A kingdom on the Isle of Melderyn, off the southeast coast of Harn, which also includes extensive lands on the Harnic mainland. The island of Melderyn is known throughout Barn as the "Wizard's Isle" and its p-olitical structure is something of an enigma. To outsiders, it may seem an ordinary feudal kingdom, ruled by King Chunel from the City of Cherafir. In reality, it is more a constitutional monarchy and the real power is held by a ltegent's Council of eleven mages. Melderyn has a long tradition of non- interference and benign influence towards mainland Harn and it has never sought to dominate even its own territories there. With over 160,000 inhabitants, Melde; yn is Barn's tnost populous state.

The Kingdom of Kaldor[edit | edit source]

Located in the eastern int erior of Harn, this kingdom has existed for more than 500 years. Ruled by King Miganath from his royal castle in the City of Tashal, Kaldor is a stable and well governed state where traditional principles of feudalism and chivalry pertain. The Kingdom of Kaldor has a population of about 104,000. Tashal, the second largest city on Harn, is an important trade center.

The Kingdom of Chybisa[edit | edit source]

Chybisa is Harn's smallest state, a tiny kingdom on the south bank of the Ulmerien River, ruled by King Verlid VII from his capital at Burzyn. Chybisa was once a large and flourishing kingdom but for the past five centuries has survived in roughly its present size despite twice coming under foreign rule for short periods. Chybisans are known for their diplomatic skills, pluck and mason's skills, having built sonte of Barn's most impressive fortifications. The kingdom has a population of about 8,000.

Kingdom of Orbaal[edit | edit source]

A pre-feudal state in the northeast of Barn, foriHerly called Jara, but recently conquered by the lvinians who now rule. Both the indigenous Jarin and their lvi.Juan overlords are rowdy, rebellious, and freedom-loving races. Orbaal is ruled by King Ale gar II from Ueldeheim; it is more a host of independent squabbling clan dotnains than a kil1gdom. It is in fact, a very unstable society; less than 8000 ungovernable Ivinians have enslaved about 65,000 rebellious Jari11 who are constantly p lotting the expulsion of their hated conquerors. Added to this is an Ivinian tradition of piracy winch all llarnians have come to dread. Orbaal is definitely not a land for weak-kneed adventurers.