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BIRTHDATE [1d12 and 1d30][edit | edit source]

The Tuzyn Year
Season # Name
Spring 1 Nuzyael
2 Peonu
3 Kelen
Summer 4 Nolus
5 Larane
6 Agrazhar
Fall 7 Azura
8 Halane
9 Savor
Winter 10 Ilvin
11 Navek
12 Morgat

Tuzyn Reckoning (TR) has a 12 month lunar year. Roll 1d12 to generate a month. Each month has 30 days. Roll 1d30 to generate a birthday. Birth year is best assigned by the GM after character generation. Nuzyael 1 is New Year’s Day, the first day of spring.

Hârnic Calendar[edit | edit source]

The calendar used throughout Hârn and western Lythia is called Tuzyn Reckoning. The current year is 720 TR.

“Thirty days hath Halane,
Savor, Kelen, and Larane.
All the rest have thirty too.
I remember this. Can you?”