Balefire Chronicle

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Illustration of the Balefire Chronicle.

The Balefire Chronicle is a written work of the early history of the Church of Agrik. All that survives of the earliest history of the church of Agrik is contained in Balefire Chronicle, written by Moralin, the greatest of eight acolytes to Ilpylen, the founder of the Church.

History[edit | edit source]

From the village of the Kuldrh, the eight made their separate ways to lay 888 octagonal coal and sulfur filled cairns at the corners of the world, to appease the “gates of fire” and to open new ones. Each took a copy of the Balefire Chronicle which contained the legacy of Ilpylen. The eight disciples traveled without haste, letting the word of their doings precede them. Each selected eight followers who in turn founded their own bands.

Only Balefire Chronicle and a common object of worship united the early church, and the latter was liberally interpreted by its guardians. The eight disciples travelled without haste, letting the word of their doings precede them. Each selected eight followers and these parties split up when the leader died, each acolyte bearing an interpreted copy of the first chronicle and the history of their group. Many groups were, of course, lost.

Resources[edit | edit source]


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