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(Strength potion)
Profile view of the Arva plant.
CategoryStrength potion
DecriptionA climbing plant that reaches 2-3 ft. In late summer several bright red flowers appear on the lower plant, later giving way to round seed pods. Found in woodland and heath.
PreparationCrush entire plant, mix with 4 parts water and ferment for 16 days. Strain and distill.
YieldYields 1 oz. lavender liquid from each 0.5 lbs. of plant.
Dosage2 oz. taken orally.
EffectsAfter 3-18 mins, increase in metabolic rates, doubling of strength etc. for 1-2 hours. Loss of 10-20% of body mass, exhaustion, 20% chance of coma leading in 5% of cases to death. Effects vary with dosage and patient’s body mass.

Arva is a climbing vine found growing on the trunks of trees in semi-shaded woods and heath. Its seed pods are used in the preparation of several strength potions.

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