Arosta the Conqueror

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Arosta the Conqueror was the fifth monarch (366380 TR) of the Corani Empire. Some say Mejenes the Great was the greatest military leader Hârn has ever produced; others say it was Arosta the Conqueror. Both were very successful military leaders. Arosta succeeded his father, Raelan, who was killed at the Battle of Klondis in 366. The Corani Empire might have perished then, for Raelan not only got himself killed but also lost most of the Corani army in the mountains of Hefiosa. Led by Adjak, the tribes of Hefiosa advanced on Coranan but wasted time looting, gaving Arosta time to raise and train a new army. In a series of brilliant campaigns, Arosta first defeated the Hefiosa tribes between 366 and 369, then defeated the Shira, Kom, and Merdi tribes over the next 10 years. When Arosta died in 380, he was planning to conquer the Kingdom of Aleathia in the southwest. He left to his heir a kingdom that had more than tripled in size and that ruled most of Tharda.

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